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Need to know if there's a program out there


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What I'm asking here isn't for something like the Texture Replacer, or BSA Commander or something like that. What I'm currently trying to do is 'retexture' an entire interior set to be grayscale, however I've noticed that the textures used for some of these are not in the same location. So what I want to know, is if there's a program out there that I can instead point it toward the MESH files, and it'll automatically find it's associated textures and extract them. If not, anyone have an easier way than just looking in NifSkope, noting ALL the textures and then hunting them down in BSA commander?


Edit: Nevermind, answered in a PM. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26021 Nif Textures Exporter

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