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Transparent Upper Body (M/F) NPCs with Clothes


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New to Nexus mods and Oblivion and could use some help.


Problem: After installing Roberts Male Body, HGEC BBB and Oblivion Character Overhaul v2, many of the NPCs' upper bodies turn transparent / clear while wearing regular clothes. This also happens for the lower body for the Imperial Guard captains (clear legs/shins).



I'm not going to lie, I have next to no knowledge about modding beyond copy pasting texture and mesh folders and basic usage of OMM / TES4edit / TES CS.


According to a readme txt file I read somewhere, if an esp edits the same plugins as another esp, then the second one overides the first - is that true? Is that what is happening here with the clear upper body ?


Any tips/thoughts/opinions are appreciated. I've attached my load order if that helps.




Edit: Added a screenshot for clarity (pun intended)

Edited by tbagger12121
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