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Problem with certain weapons that are possibly from shrapnel/azhteks g


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Right, the problem i'm experiencing is that certain weapons will fire, but they won't accept any ammo and they will just keep firing, some guns don't shoot at all.

Examples of guns that will shoot without any ammo is the ghewhr 43 and the ak-74s, and the hk 417 tactical won't fire what so ever.

I'm wondering what the cause of this is or if i forgot to add something crucial to the load order.


Screenshots of my load order ( some mods i installed with mod fusion, such as azhteks and calibre x i think as the author reccomended that and every time i tried it with the manager, my game would crash on boot up)






Any help on this matter is greatly appreciated.


Thanks, canihazacookie.


Edit: If you need footage of whats happening i can provide it for you.

Edited by canihazacookie
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