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Stay Away Perimeter


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I don't know about you guys but their is just this one annoying issue in the game for me, everything else checks out just fine. When I enter into combat their are times when my companion will stand "on top" of my character. Specifically, just after entering a room for example. The companion appears to have the same start location as your character. The catch is that should you immediatly enter into combat, the companion does not move, making your life MUCH more difficult. I don't mind moving my character out of his way to clear my line of sight, but this has led to my death and a reload quite a few times.


What I have also noticed is that when NPC attack with melee weapons they charge at the player, and in most cases, my situation anyway, they also end up "on top" the player. When this happens, you can fire as much as you want. I never seem to hit, no matter what. This usaully happens on interiors where space to rapidly move is a bit restricted. So you are backedup against a wall and a raider runs full steam at you yielding a lead pipe or knife, you get a shot or 2 in but once he is on you, they line you up with hits.


Personally, bringing a lead pipe or knife to a gun fight just doesn't cut it.


So, what I thought of, or maybe some one beat me to it, is having an area effect around the player that will prevent these types of interactions from obstructing combat. Say a "bubble" arround the player that will move NPC's and companions out of your "personal space" just enough to clear line of sight. It would obviuosly still be possible for a raider to knife you, but come on, that is at arms lenght not standing on top of you. Maybe, if possible their could be a monitor for the torso. Should the torso be with in the AOE the target in question would move back a step or to and continue combat.


I have been trying to get something simlar to this going in G.E.C.K through Base Effects, Scripts, and Actor Effects but I have realised that I need to study up alot more before just jumping into this.


If their is some thing similar out their please point me in that direction. If someone is up for the design, let me know, I would be more than glad to test it out. If someone could guide me through the creation, also let me know. I don't mind doing this myself, just need some help.



Omaga III

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