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Big Clothing project but need some info about content and probihitions


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Owkey I got quite some drawings from clothes some are my gf's idea that I got onto paper. I draw them when I was bored during my studies.


I couldn't find much info about it but are we allowed to post 17+ drawed pictures? It's just that some drawings are skimpy and other just shows boobs ... since it's just a female body I draw over and over again and then draw the cloths on it.


You will see that the clothing itself doesn't show any nipples. It's just that some drawings have are topless because the main focus was the bottom.


I'll be looking for clothes modders and use the Type3 body meshes.


The skimpy skirt is my idea while the other skirts/dresses are my gf's idea.

There is a power armor as well, the armor is still in beta and is far from being finished as the drawings about the armor are quite a fail. Anyway you'll see the pictures from the moment I know if i'm allowed to post self drawed topless ladies. I couldn't find info about ... or else I'm just blind when I use the search option.


Kind Regards,


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