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Help! GrenadePhysics Issue


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Ok Im trying to get this mod working Called (Grenade Physics)




Having some issues with the Frag Grenades They Are Blowing up on Impact I do have one other mod that Effects the Grenade Time Called (Real Physics) But i have Disabled this mod... is it possible it has imbeded its self in to the Fallout3.esm?


I have tried Many Things Like Loading Saving Reloading Switching Disabling enabling GrenadePhysics Swithing the FOMM Order First Last New Save Old Save But when i loaded up a old i mean old Saved game it worked fine Whats with that?


Any one know a Solution?


Any program out there that Fixes Saved games like removes all Mod data From them?


Here's a list of my Mods i did try all Mods Off and Saved it And tried Just the (Grenade Physics Mod) Still nothing

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The mod can't have "embedded itself in Fallout3.esm", but it may have made changes to forms that persist within your saved game. I can't say for sure what types of issues these might be, as I haven't a clue how the mod works. You could try making a save without the old mod active, and then loading that save with the new mod, but if that doesn't work then you'll probably have to use an older save.


If you want, you could have a look at the back end of the mod that has persistent changes, so that you can see their nature. You might then be able to use appropriate console commands or create a small plugin to undo these changes, but it's unlikely to be an easy route.


P.S. Please don't write your posts in title case, it makes them rather difficult to read.



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The mod can't have "embedded itself in Fallout3.esm", but it may have made changes to forms that persist within your saved game. I can't say for sure what types of issues these might be, as I haven't a clue how the mod works. You could try making a save without the old mod active, and then loading that save with the new mod, but if that doesn't work then you'll probably have to use an older save.


If you want, you could have a look at the back end of the mod that has persistent changes, so that you can see their nature. You might then be able to use appropriate console commands or create a small plugin to undo these changes, but it's unlikely to be an easy route.


P.S. Please don't write your posts in title case, it makes them rather difficult to read.





I have a New Post up Check it out http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=141607

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