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How to maintain mods without ruining savegame?


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I've played skyrim (from beginning) around 5 times, every single time my skyrim save gets broken and starts crashing randomly (usually every 30 seconds.. Starts happening when I'm around level 60), but this time I can't even make a step forward (if I don't move, game doesn't crash) without CTD..

All of those 5 times I have installed different mods (with different mod load order), I'm not sure what Im doing wrong.. I want to finish skyrim once for all (not just main story, I finished it already) so I want to know what mistakes I'm making that makes savegames corrupted, neither I want to play without mods, too many great things missing..


I have used BOSS and anti-crash plugin, but that doesn't help..

Boss log: http://saw.fate.lv/skyrim/BOSSlog (I don't really understand anything about it, a friend of mine asked me to run it)


Any tips on how to avoid breaking save game again? I will start a new game next week..

Edited by lauris3722
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welcome to modding, I've broke maybe ten games this month alone... the best thing to do is know what you're doing.. gopher, watch, learn and save yourself alot of time and stress http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL96C073B0B8BFC01D


Test your mods, decide on a set of mods you've thoroughly tested and start a new game, it's best not to add any mods after than unless you're confident in your skills, if you must make a save before you install anything new and rename the save to help remind you. Again most importantly understand what you're doing, drag n drop skill will only get you so far.

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how can you expect help when you don't use simple protocol, read your boss log



Learn how to clean dirty edits

watch more of his videos on modding too



you're using warzones? really? I'm out you are beyond help.

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