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suggested mods


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well i've only ever used 2-3 mods but now i'd like to replay morrowond/tribunal/bloodmoon with as many as are enjoyable....therefore....ergo i come to the experts. i used to run windowsglow but it doesn't seem to be compatible with 1 of the other ones i d-loaded so i chucked the lot away.


not looking for anything over-the-top, just some atmospheric mods ( a la windows glow), some good house mods (abu's is great....but is it worth taking the FR buttkicking you get)... some i've gotten to work together were karmina's face pack, better heads(got tired of looking at mr robin williams.....imperial legion soldier. new critters would be nice (not like giants though), although creatures looks good. and i found one that makes those ^%##@ annoying cliff racers stop kamakazi runs. fighting 15-20 in a row near ald'ruhn is brutal. as you already know.


just throw somw suggestions here or ship to my e-mail (make sure to id it as mod suggestions or somesuch). i get tons of junk mail...my mistake, so i tend to ditch any and all junk...so id it please. looking forward to your suggestions and ideas.


muchas gracias fellow elder scrollers :D

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Check out the pinned threads in plug-ins. There is a lot there about favourite mods. I have tried out from MW Summit Where are all the birds going, that adds peaceful flying birds and rather unrealistic bats to the game. Abot Water Life that adds various fishes and other water life as you'd expect. This gives you a fair amount of control over where and what you get. I must say the appearance of clown fish and angel fish in the middle of a daedric ruin seemed odd. I also like Childen of Morrowind, you can get this from several places (google Emma's mods - I can't remember the name of her site). It adds children and stuff associated like toys and fairy tales. There is also a playable children version if you'd like a new view of the world.
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  • 2 weeks later...

the better heads are cool too, but looks strange sometimes. Like the dark elves. You hear a voice of an old female dark elf (or people tell she is really old) and then you get to see a very young face, as if she was 16. While her original face is really a face an old dark elf should have.


Further the heads look good.

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OK this is gonna be long.At first Im German so excuse my grammatical Failures

and maybe the Words.

Im on the same Problem like you plus I have a German Version of Morrowind,

at least its the Goty Version,which is for my needs highly recommended.

Ive searched for a long time and downloaded more then 10 GB of mods.

So I give you the advice to read every inch of the description of a mod befor you download it.For Example on Planetfile.Com there are about 3500 different Mods,

but about 3000 of them are so easy and boring made mods that you would like to beat the poo out of that Idiot who made it.You ask why,cause you can do it yourself with your own Editor (TES).

For Example there is a Mod who changes the way Time is handled in morrowind,this means you can stretch Time so,that it runs like in true Time aka 24 Hours.All you got to do is to change the Global setting named Timescale.

But enough of complaining,I give you a List of the best (I guess),combineable mods,which improves mainly the way you play morrowind.

Cause like every real RPG Player i hate cheating or make cheaterstuff.


The List:

1.Necessities of Morrowind

2.Partners Mod Version 2.8

3.Better Bodies,Better Heads,Landscape Retexturing,

at least almost every Texture Replacer,if he is Bug Free,test it befor.

4.Indy Bank



7.Morrowind comes alive

8.Morrowind Children

9.Blood and Gore

10.Morrowind enhanced,blocking,combat,journal,npc's and so on





As you can see there are many god ones,Ive combined(think abut Half-Life 2)

about 60 or 70 mods.The most of them tweaking the way Morrowind is played.


One last Word,I recommend you to have at least a 2.5 GHZ+ and at least an 128 MB Grafik Card.And also it would be a good idea to change the Morrowind.ini.For Example you can change the Framerate or the amount of Ram the game uses in interior and exterior cells.

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Is Morrowind Children complete? I can't find it anywhere and last I heard it was still in beta.


Also, it's probably just my piece of junk computer, but whenever I use the Blood and Gore mods, my computer crashes after about 10 minutes of play. But, it is a really good mod, and makes the game much more realistic, like, if you had bloodmoon, standing in water gives you a resistance to fire, standing in fire will light you on fire, and being in the water in Solstheim will cause you to freeze to death if you're not careful (my brother had that little problem, he had to get a complete set of snow wolf armor :laugh2: )


Oh, and Marcel? Your english is better than that of most english-speaking americans that post on these forums.

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