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"Sanctify" Crypt, "Fortify" Dungeon for Player Home


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Didn´t you ever think to yourself "Holy s**t, this Fort would be awesome to live in.... If these enemies wouldn´t keep respawning, taking all my stored loot with them!"


Well, I have, and therefore this idea was born:

Once you have cleared out a fort, dungeon, cave, you walk up to Kodlak, you Butt Buddy, and ask him "Hey, I got this totally awesome place, and I need about 20 000 tough guys to protect it. And then I need some 10 000 soft guys, so the tough guys look even tougher! I want them set up like that: tough, soft, tough, tough...."

Kodlak is then like "Sure why not, just hand me one billion septims and your firstborn, and we´ll have them over by midnight" or whatever.

After all these tough and soft guys have taken up post, the fort cells would stop respawning, effectively allowing you to claim it for your own.


But yea, muscles can only do so much against dark magic. So, if for some reason you want to live inside a vile, corrupted place as, say, Bleak Falls Barrow, you need someone who packs much more of a magical punch. How to get that? Employ Vigilants of Stendarr, Dawnguard, Mage´s College or the Priesthood of Arkay! They would send some totally wimpy Mage guy with you who, as soon as you killed all and any enemy inside that place, performs a Ritual to cleanse the place. The animation played at the end of the Waking Nightmare quest is awesome, how comes we don´t get to see it more often?


I am aware that as soon as Civil War Forts come into play everything gets more complicated, but there should be some fix for that.


Anyway, Thanks for reading (If anyone read that far through all my trollish nonsense, respect!) and I would be happy to see that mod some day.


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That would be awesome! Hehe, but there is a high chance that this will never come out. But instead, couldn't you live in one of the forts from the side your Cival War team is on? And you would be the toughest and roughest guy there, because, well, you ARE Dragonborn ;)

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