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A simple request: Spell Tome: Create Food


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I have what is, presumably, a simple request: a spell that creates food. Specifly Bread (item ID: 00065c97). It should be a Novice level Restoration spell (I know Conjuration makes a bit more sense, but this would make it so every school has 3 novice level spells [excluding DLC]).


Off hand, I would say it should have the following stats:

Tome cost: 50

Base Magicka cost: 36

Skill XP: 1 per casting

EDIT: Location: Purchased from Colette Marence


If it matters, the only DLC I play with is Hearthfire.

Edited by qwertyu63
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  • 2 weeks later...

I recently saw a similar request in another thread and responded there. I am just beginning to learn how to "mod", so my work is very limited, but am trying to create a series of practical spells for the mage who likes immersion, but does not think it reasonable to lug around a heavy axe and work up a sweat chopping firewood just so they do not freeze. Similar idea with food - killing a deer is easy, but skinning it and cutting up a few roasts, then trying to find some salt, a cook fire, a cook pot, etc. sounds too much like work : )


Early spells just added a limited variety of foods, if you were carrying a plate (for bread / cheese), a tankard (for beverage), a metal plate (for meat) or silver plate (for dessert); converted "raw" items into cooked food, or simply summoned a "picnic basket" with a random assortment of food / beverage items (unfortunately I have not figured out how to unsummon the basket, once you have ransacked it). I am trying to make these spells more robust (and figure out how to get rid of the unsightly picnic baskets left to clutter the landscape) before uploading them - right now they are just a bit better than console commands : (


If I can finally figure out how to fix the summon / unsummon issue and incorporate "lists" for the original spells (to allow a more varied selection of food items I will see if anyone actually wants to use them. (Of course I would need to find the tutorial on how to upload a mod here vs. the auto option for STEAM.) Don't know how soon that will be, since learning to code mods is a new skill (my last computer programing type class was back in the dark ages, when flopply disks ruled the world and Uncle Billy was certain that no P.C. would ever need a hard drive . . .)


But it looks like BlackLink put together exactly what you wanted, pretty quickly, so at least you won't starve.

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