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High-Poly Helmet Ground Models


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I think this should be an easy project for those with modeling experience. There is no dire need for it, but I think it would certainly be used.


The problem:

Power Helmet ground models have a very low poly count compared to the biped models. This makes them look kinda crappy when encountered in the world not worn by an actor (when dropped for example). Here's a comparison of the Enclave Power Helmet's biped and ground models:





The solution (I think):

Create a new mesh for each Power Helmet that copies the high poly model from it's biped version.



I haven't done much more with meshes than view them and swap textures in NifSkope, otherwise I might do this myself. If some one did this, I think it would be useful to release both as a replacer for vanilla meshes and as a mod resource for others to include with their mod files. If someone takes this on, please let me know because I would like to use these for FOOK2!

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