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wildfire's past


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as with shade i'm going to write about wildfire's past as well. before i get to the story i want to know something. is there anything you want to know about wildfire or shade? post your answers. now, on to the story....


Hell. Something inside me told me that this was going to be hell. Whoever said this would be a good idea was mad. “Captain?” A voice pulled me out of my thoughts. “Captain are you alright?”


“Fine…I’m fine” as I came back to reality I remembered where I was, in a landing craft with around 23 other men. Some were talking, some were praying.(I couldn’t blame them) and some just plain look sick. Turning my gaze over the side I saw dozens of landing craft. This was truly going to be a ‘great raid’


“five minutes” the driver called.


“Orders sir?” one of the men asked me. before I could say anything the landing craft next to us exploded. Shells were landing all around us. As my men panicked I listened closely. The first wave should be on the beach in a few seconds. Right on time I heard a whistle and the first wave charged the beach. I could only guess what happened next. All I heard were machine guns firing and men screaming.

Immediately I took off my backpack and told everyone in the landing craft to do the same. “Why sir?”


“Because they have MG-32s on the seawall. The second that ramp drops the LC will fill with lead. If we want to have the smallest chance to survive we need to go over the side and all our gear will drag us under the water.” I told them. Instantly they started to take off some of their gear.


“30 seconds!”


“your orders are this: get to the seawall by ANY means possible. I’ll meet you up there.”


“But sir, what if you die?”


“I won’t” If only they knew. The second whistle blew and the ramp started to drop. “OVER THE SIDE NOW!!” I yelled before jumping into the water.


Red. All I could see was red. The water was full of bodies and blood. Some of the people in the other LCs tried to go over the side as well but their gear dragged them down. As I swam to shore I turned to look at my LC. Five men were on the floor, dead. There’s no time to mourn the dead, I needed to move. At the moment I was taking cover behind a large tank trap. I grabbed my B.A.R. and ran up the beach. The sand exploded around me as shells rained down on me. It was only a matter of time before i- damn! My hand was on fire. I took shelter in a crater and looked at my left hand. My ring finger was shot off and blood was getting everywhere. I closed my eyes and focused on my missing finger. I felt a familiar warm feeling in my hand as my finger started to regenerate. I could feel a new bone rise out of the hole in my hand. Slowly muscle wrapped around it and skin started to grow around it. I opened my eyes and flexed my new finger. Just as good as the old one. Grabbing my gun I resumed my advance. I was a few meters away from the wall when an explosion knocked my feet. I crawled the rest of the way.


I turned to the nearest soldier. “Who’s in charge here?” I asked him.

He said something but all I heard was a buzzing noise. The explosion must have blown out my ear drums. Closing my eyes again I took a second to bring back my hearing. “what did you say” I asked him.


“From the look of it you are sir”


“what are you waiting for? Move up the road!


“we can’t. there’s a machine gun nest watching the road.”


“why don’t you use a grenade?”


“we can’t throw that far”. Sighing I took a grenade off my vest and crept to the edge of the wall. Peeking out I saw the gunner. Pulling the pin I stepped out of cover and threw a baseball pitch at him. The grenade slammed into the gunners face most likely breaking his nose. A second later it blew up killing the gunner


“move up!” I yelled and everyone charged up the road and into the German trenches. I dropped the B.A.R. and drew the heartbreakers. As the Nazis fell back we split into small groups to hunt them down. As I kicked the door to the bunker open the Germans inside backed into the corner. “Wir aufgeben Wir aufgeben“ they said throwing their rifles at my feet.

As I switched the safely on the heartbreakers off I could only think one thing.

“I love my job” I muttered as the sound of the heartbreaker’s firing echoed down the hallways of the bunker….

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Wow what a piece! Very intense read. Theres a great deal of emotional strength needed to be a soldier. This is a good read. Im training to for the Marines so it wont be long before I head over to Afganistan and where ever else I may be needed. The bolds you build with others in the service are unlike any you can build elsewhere.
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