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Run Away Slave idea - Quest MOd


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I have an idea for a quest


A slaver uns away, thier woners send slave hunters agter them this leads to a series of quests to either avid capture, or get caught and as punishment set to quests under guard by the owners woth the trheat of death if you fail.



Alll sorts of scenarios could arise, liike being blackmailed to work for some one who threatens to tell the slave hunters where you are or a quest that leaves you vulnerable to capture.

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I have an idea for a quest


A slaver uns away, thier woners send slave hunters agter them this leads to a series of quests to either avid capture, or get caught and as punishment set to quests under guard by the owners woth the trheat of death if you fail.



Alll sorts of scenarios could arise, liike being blackmailed to work for some one who threatens to tell the slave hunters where you are or a quest that leaves you vulnerable to capture.


Not exactly but pretty similiar take a look at my nod: here

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I know this well ahd have played this to the end it is very good and congratualte you on a very good job, i think you would be ideal to take this on , i have tried with GECk and i am no good as a modder at all.
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i have tried with GECk and i am no good as a modder at all.


No one just turns on the GECK or picks up 3Ds Max and magically knows how to mod...


the only difference between a sucessfull modder and someone who can't mod is that the sucsessful modder kept on trying stuff until they finaly got something that works...





But anyways, good luck

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well, mabe you could at least put some details into this idea... it is one sentence... and it is obvious you didn't even read over it before you posted it on the forums...


A slaver uns away, thier woners send slave hunters agter them [should start another sentence] this leads to a series of quests to either avid capture, or get caught and as punishment set to quests under guard by the owners woth the trheat of death if you fail.


I am in no way trying to insult you, I am only trying to help you out... I really don't care if people use grammer or whatever on forums, but the way it is right now it not only extreamly vague but almost painful to read because you didn't take 10 seconds to read over your single sentence before posting...


For people to even think about takeing your idea seriously you will at least need a paragraph or two with some details... Seriously... my response to your idea is longer than the idea itself...





If you really do have a lot of ideas that you want people to take notice of, you should try presenting them in a more organized and detailed way, and probably hitting the "preview post" button before hitting "add reply"


here is an example of my idea, that is not on page 16...



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