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Again Adoptable children


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:rolleyes: it would actually be nice if someone culd make such a mod where children could be adopted by the pc or the pc could find suitable parents for the child in question and if the pc him/her self adopt could offer nova a different job instead of "hostess" at moriartys saloon futhermore it would be nice if one of the children in paradise falls did not belong in litlle lampligth but could be bougth by the pc and find out that he or she wouldnt be a slave but a daughter or son to the pc and live in the house in megaton or tenpenny tower and when the child is setlled in the pc´s house the pc goes back to paradise falls and kills eulogy jones and freing the rest of the slaves OH and please could someone make the pc´s dad make a comment about that :thanks: :thumbsup:
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First off, break up your text with sentences, punctuation and maybe even a paragraph or two as well.


As far as I can work out, you're requesting several things:


1. The ability for the PC to adopt children.

2. A quest to free Nova from her life of prostitution.

3. A child NPC in Paradise Falls who is not from Little Lamplight and can be bought by the PC. This child can then be adopted by the PC.

4. The ability to wipe out Eulogy Jones and the slavers of Paradise Falls, freeing all the slaves there.

5. A piece of dialogue for the PC's father that deals with no. 4.


I'm no modder, but some of these can be accomplished with very little modding.


For 1., you could just use Sharing and Caring Companions and nab a child from somewhere. You could also do that for 2., but you'd just have to ignore her dialogue.


3. would require you to place a seperate NPC in Paradise Falls, and then you could 'adopt' them using SCC.


4. can be done in vanilla Fallout 3. Just walk in guns blazing :D


As for 5., I have no idea. I have only the vaguest of conceptions about modding, maybe someone else will do it. Alternatively, you could learn to use the GECK.

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So basicly you would need a new child NPC that is found in Paradise Falls


Then you would need to create dialogue for that NPC for them to ask you to save them or whatever


You would also need to add dialogue for Eulogy Jones and a few other people in Paradise Falls to acknowledge the existance of the child NPC



Then you would just need dialogue for the child NPC to acknowlegde that you saved them, and to have them follow you around, with some possible dialogue options during this time


Add an option that you can have them stay st your house, which would open up even more new dialogue for the child as well as have them stop following you


Finnaly just add a new line of dialogue to your father




Really, once you break it down it seems quite simple


you could probly pull this off yourself if you really wanted too

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:biggrin: Nope I could not!!! Because I barely can play a game without smashing my comp so for me modding ........ NAH cant afford replacing computers everytime i get angry :blink: and I actually mannaged to report myself :whistling: by mistake of course so i have great hope that someone Nice and with a LOT more patience would find it in their heart to do this for me :biggrin: :thanks: :smile:
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:biggrin: Nope I could not!!! Because I barely can play a game without smashing my comp so for me modding ........ NAH cant afford replacing computers everytime i get angry :blink: and I actually mannaged to report myself :whistling: by mistake of course so i have great hope that someone Nice and with a LOT more patience would find it in their heart to do this for me :biggrin: :thanks: :smile:


Well, mabe you should take some anger managment classes...


I am all for helping the future of the Wasteland, but I have my own mod to work on, so I can't really help you out...


The only advice I can give you is to actualy make you post readable...




:rolleyes: it would actually be nice if someone culd make such a mod where children could be adopted by the pc or the pc could find suitable parents for the child in question and if the pc him/her self adopt could offer nova a different job instead of "hostess" at moriartys saloon futhermore it would be nice if one of the children in paradise falls did not belong in litlle lampligth but could be bougth by the pc and find out that he or she wouldnt be a slave but a daughter or son to the pc and live in the house in megaton or tenpenny tower and when the child is setlled in the pc´s house the pc goes back to paradise falls and kills eulogy jones and freing the rest of the slaves OH and please could someone make the pc´s dad make a comment about that :thanks: :thumbsup:


Enstead of that, you want something more like this...


I have an idea for a mod that would allow the player character to save a child who is enslaved in Paradise Falls. After saveing the child, you would be given the option to adopt the child. If you chose to adopt the child, they would follow you home and stay there.


This mod would require new dialogue to be writen for the child. It would need seperate dialogue for when they are captured, when they are following you home, and when you get home. It would also be cool to have new dialogue greeting you when you come home from your journeys (mabe every 24 hours).


Eulogy Jones and some of the other Paradise Fall Residents would also need new dialogue acknowledging the existance of the enslaved child. Finally, a new line of dialogue would need to be added to the player father to respond to the fact that he is now a grandpa.

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