dofazi Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Im getting that error pretty much everytime i try to move 10 meters or get in somewhere. Sometimes i manage to get into some house but even then all textures are black and shortly after that i get the "out of memory" thing. My FNV4GB loads the game just fine, I found nothing suspicious in log files, got the latest version of NVSE as well as NVAC, Anti-stutter, fake fullscreen and tweaked ini's. I tried loading the game without each one of these mods and each one of them seperately, but game still crashes after about a minute. When it crashes, it uses barely 2 GB This 4GB s#*! is just not working and pissing me off real good -.- Help ! im losing my mind here ! (I use 3 texture mods, NMC, POCO BUENO, WRP, all my drivers are up to date etc. [also, BOSS'ed my plugins just to be sure]) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MartinPurvis Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 I personally used NTCore's 4GB patcher on the nvse_loader.exe. If you use the patcher on an exe it allows it to use 4GB of memory. Don't go crazy with it though and use it randomly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dofazi Posted February 18, 2014 Author Share Posted February 18, 2014 Thanks for the reply ! Sadly it didn't help, still getting this error and the game is not even close to using 4 GB when it pops up :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VELFRcilyrik Posted June 18, 2014 Share Posted June 18, 2014 This problem is still relevant. I have the same. Win 8.1, 64 bit. 6 gb RAM, but game craches with "out of memory" error with using of fnv4gb. Some assistance please! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SandT2117 Posted June 20, 2014 Share Posted June 20, 2014 Same problem here. I'm using the FNV4GB which was recently updated to ver1.9 on a windows 8 machine. I tracked the RAM Usage while playing and it crashed with a message box reading "Out of memory" like every 30 mins of gameplay. The peak RAM usage before crash is about 3.5~3.6 GB and my computer is using 2.1 GB of RAM in idle. Which is obviously that it is not using 4GB from the resource I had—not even 2GB in my case!My machine's main specs are:i3-2100Z77A-G418GB RAM ( KVR1333N9/4GB * 2 )R777OC-1GD Really need some help here!It's an awesome game, yet the crashing and freezing are ruining all the joy :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoyBatterian Posted June 20, 2014 Share Posted June 20, 2014 (edited) There are more than one kind of out of memory error. For each of you, more information is needed. How many plugins are you running (if more than 100 or so, this can be the problem). Badly made mods can also cause the issue. Textures which have the incorrect dimensions can give this error also. Bad meshes can cause the error. Running out of HEAP memory is probably the most common issue. The game has issues purging old CELL's, this can also be addressed. Not enough Video memory can also cause this issue, a common cause of this error is when using a laptop or desktop with built in graphics or low end video card. There are several ways you can try to address this. 1) Install NVSE and read the readme on how to create an .ini for it and to add an entry which allows increasing the initial HEAP size. A size of 256 is a good start, you can try also 384, above a certain amount also causes crashes so don't try to put it too high. 2) After doing the above, if you have New Vegas Stutter Remover, make sure Heap Replacement is disabled, it's broken and causes OOM. 3) Install New Vegas Anti Crash, this plugin for NVSE is just essential and everyone should use it. :EDIT: Removed faulty information. -RB 5/11/2016 --------------- Additionally setting the LAA flag on nvse_loader.exe will do nothing, it's also not used when using FNV4GB. Edited May 11, 2016 by RoyBatterian Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SandT2117 Posted June 20, 2014 Share Posted June 20, 2014 Thanks for RoyBatterian's time and work put into the reply above!Though I sorted my part out just some moments ago by creating a shortcut of FNV4GB with a command line. ( not sure if RoyBatterian mentioned it or not, I'm writing this on phone on my way to the airport :P )I realised just now, after playing FNV for nearly 2 yrs ( modding it for about 1 yr ),the legendary FNV4GB should do its trick WITHOUT LAUNCHING THE LAUNCHER!!I failed terribly because I always have the original launcher popping out and not noticing in what way should FNV4GB properly function. ( BTW, although I bought the Ultimate Edition via Steam, my folder is named as Fallput New Vegas enplczru, which I believe is East Europe Version? ) The solution in my case is to create a shortcut for fnv4gb.exe by clicking RMB --> Create Shortcut. Then in that very shortcut, go to properties, and add a text in the Target Blank. Add " -SteamAppID 22380" without quotation mark. Notice the space before -SteamAppID …. Which that should something like:"C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Steam\SteamApp\common\Fallout New Vegas enplczru\fnv4gb.exe" -SteamAppID 22380I don't quite remember the form of the target directory, nor the exact directory for the executable. But after all, it should vary from computer to computer :PSo, here you go then. I'm using FNV4GB with NVAC, Stutter Remover, NVSE and also PotG ( Performance of the God )without any problem this afternoon. ( RAM usage exceeded what I mentioned above and remain a average FPS of 40+ to 60 ) If you found the above hard to read or interpret, please forgive my horrible grammar and vocabulary usage. English is not my mother tongue :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RoyBatterian Posted June 20, 2014 Share Posted June 20, 2014 Ah yes the wrong SteamAppID will cause that problem too. However you should use -SteamAppID -22490 , that is the correct one for your version ;) All this of course is in the readme, and description, and thread for FNV4GB 1.6 and the Updated 1.9 version. Glad you solved your issues and realized that it should not launch the default launcher. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hextral Posted July 9, 2014 Share Posted July 9, 2014 (edited) Having a similar issue with out of memory crashes quite randomly, usually when entering a building. PC Specs- Quad Core i5 3.33 ghzGTX 750 Ti 2gb DDr5 VRAM 8gb DDR3 RAM Used both BOSS and LOOT for load order, cleaned all dirty edits with FNVEdit, deleted all unused .esps and .esms from data folder, checked for conflicts with FNVEdit, using the latest FNV.4gbLoad order is- FalloutNV.esm=1DeadMoney.esm=1HonestHearts.esm=1OldWorldBlues.esm=1LonesomeRoad.esm=1GunRunnersArsenal.esm=1CaravanPack.esm=1ClassicPack.esm=1MercenaryPack.esm=1TribalPack.esm=1CINEMATECH.esm=1Advanced Recon Tech.esm=1NVInteriors_Core.esm=1oHUD.esm=1NVEC BugFixes + NVCE.esm=1FCOMaster.esm=1Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm=1Sortomatic.esm=1Run the Lucky 38.esm=1ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm=1AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm=1NVInteriors_ComboEdition_AWOP.esm=1Project Nevada - Core.esm=1Project Nevada - Equipment.esm=1CFWNV.esm=1ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm=1RedRockRanch.esm=1Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp=1Niner.esm=1NVWillow.esp=1Caliber.esm=1CaliberXhonesthearts.esm=1CaliberXgunrunners.esm=1RanchoVilla.esp=1SomeguySeries.esm=1The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm=1NVR-Strip.esm=1PhoenixPoint.esp=1Vault-HQ1_NV.esm=1NVInteriors_Urban_Edition_AWOP.esm=1Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp=1NevadaSkies.esm=1Bob's Business.esp=1More Perks.esm=1SpeedyResources.esm=1Military NV Backpacks.esm=1WMVM.esm=1Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm=1Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.esm=1Military NV Backpacks - Vendor Script Replenish.esp=1The Mod Configuration Menu.esp=1Cheaper Repair Vendors 10%.esp=1DarNifiedUINV.esp=1CASM.esp=1DYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp=1ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp=1Directors Chair.esp=1FCO - Playable Races.esp=1JRougeRangerCoats4Free.esp=1Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp=1NVR-Version_10.esp=1A Better Cass - Rearmed SG.esp=1UnarmedAndMelee-PerkFix.esp=1FCO.esp=1A Better Cass.esp=1A Better Veronica.esp=1The Weapon Mod Menu.esp=1Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp=1ILO - NVInteriors Project - AWOP.esp=1LUMENARIUM - Bright Clear Days.esp=1Advanced Recon Tech.esp=1Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover.esp=1The Lucky 38 Empire.esp=1NVEC Reduce CTD.esp=1Lucky38Suite_Reloaded.esp=1001 Project Weaponry.esp=1AWOPCaliberXAmmoPatch.esp=1Advanced Recon Armor.esp=1Advanced Recon Armor-Stealth With Drawn Weapon.esp=1EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp=1WeaponModsExpanded.esp=1ILO - A World of Pain.esp=1WMX-ArenovalisTextures.esp=1WMX-DLCMerged.esp=1dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp=1mmue compat. merged.esp=1More Perks Update.esp=1CNR_Beta.esp=1GoodspringsFarmhouse_v1.2.esp=1NVR-NPCs.esp=1Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp=1Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp=1PNxEO MCMScriptFixes.esp=1Readius_NV.esp=1WeaponsOfNewMilleniamergedesps.esp=1GunRunnersExpandedV4.1.esp=1Advanced Recon Armor-Location Doc Mitchell.esp=1QS_Blackwolf_NV_Backpackmod.esp=1Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Store.esp=1All_ADAM_PLugins.esp=1MMUE-CP-ILO.esp=1CourierCacheWSE.esp=1CFWMergedPNPatch.esp=1NCR Rearmament v1.5 (Lore).esp=1Advanced Recon Gear.esp=1Advanced Recon Gear-Locations Doc Mitchell.esp=1Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp=1Project Nevada - WMX.esp=1Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp=1WMX-ModernWeapons.esp=1MoreNiner.esp=1Better Burned Man.esp=1newmergepatch'.esp=1CFW-DLC.esp=1FCO - Niner.esp=1FCO - OWB.esp=1MMUE-CP-Electrocity.esp=1Project Nevada - All DLC.esp=1AWOPDeadMoney.esp=1MMUE-CP-PNALLDLC.esp=1NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp=1Courier Vault.esp=1LFox Bottle That Water.esp=1NewVegasBounties.esp=1NewVegasBountiesII.esp=1Wasteland Defense.esp=1HideoutVault.esp=1NAPA-NV 0.1.esp=1NVR-ELECTRO-CTIY_Patch.esp=1LUMENARIUM - Working Sunglasses ONLY.esp=1Luxury Hideout.esp=1RCSS.esp=1UHNV.esp=1UHNV-Honest Hearts.esp=1UHNV-Dead Money.esp=1UHNV-OWB.esp=1UHNV-Lonesome Road.esp=1WMX-EVE-AllDLCMerged.esp=1 Any help/advice would be much appreciated. (And yes, I have edited the falloutnv ini for the Quad Core fix.) Edited July 9, 2014 by Hextral Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarge198 Posted July 19, 2014 Share Posted July 19, 2014 Having a similar issue with out of memory crashes quite randomly, usually when entering a building. PC Specs- Quad Core i5 3.33 ghzGTX 750 Ti 2gb DDr5 VRAM 8gb DDR3 RAM Used both BOSS and LOOT for load order, cleaned all dirty edits with FNVEdit, deleted all unused .esps and .esms from data folder, checked for conflicts with FNVEdit, using the latest FNV.4gbLoad order is- Any help/advice would be much appreciated. (And yes, I have edited the falloutnv ini for the Quad Core fix.) Just going to add my two cents, I had pretty much the exact same issue when trying to enter an interior from the a world of pain mod. Black textures and other oddities started popping up. At first I thought I had reached the "mod limit" ~ 200 in Fallout 3 and about ~160 to ~180 in New Vegas. Then BAM "Out of memory error". Well this is a new one... :geek: I had also been fiddling with the new version of Fallout Stutter Remover, I had not used it in a long time since I can't seem to notice a difference. I'm running a very powerful system: AMD FX 8350GTX TITAN16GB RAMSSD Drives Well to the the point, the "bReplaceHeap" setting in the "sr_Fallout_Stutter_Remover.ini" seems to cause more harm than good. If you have it enabled try disabling it and see if it makes a difference. It worked for me but it may or may not help for you, since PC setups are different for everyone. Fallout sure has some strange bugs..... :sick: Just thought I'd share my opinion. -Sarge198 :ninja: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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