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Mods resourses


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Hi all. So i decided to play Skyrim again after playing beta of ESO. I intsalled it again same as before, same mods some i repleaced, i have 15 mods total. My problem is that i have FPS drop no matter the settings and last time a had steady FPS of 20-25, i know its low but for my laptop is ok and last time i had 2 gb of ram and now 4 gb DDR3 i have Intel HD 4000 and B820 Dual Core 1.7ghz. My question is are mods heavy on the resourses and can they make FPS drop, i also have few mods for performance i use HiAlgo boost and some remover for fog and shadows but still i have 15 fps best.


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Some can be. Off hand any mod that adds NPCs (they chew up a lot of available memory) or highres textures (chewing up your video memory) can cause serious slowdown. Any mod that has heavy script usage could. Really, any mod could tank your frame rate, and I just don't know which is doing it, no offense.

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