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Zeta Alien Companion or Zeta Alien as a New Race


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Gee... That would mean your Mom cheated on your dad with E.T. XD

I don't know if it would be possible, though at the least one could add them as a new foe in Marts Mutant Mod. :3

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With the Alien Companion part: I been playing about with the Aliens by spawning a few and equiping them with Vanilla weps to see if they can use them and yup they can do except assault rifles... they firer them fine but only hold them as if firing a pistol and dont reload them.


If some body does create a Alien Companion Mod, make sure that they are able to equip vanilla weps for people who wish for them to use them. Ah also they can use Single handed Mele weapons too. Dunno bout double handed such as the Super Sledge but will find out asap.


here is a quick snapshop of one ofthose Aliens with personal shielding weilding a Shishkabab:




Oh I used the console commands: additem 434e 1 And equipitem 434e +clicking on the Alien in Console mode.


Looks pretty damn cool dont ya think? Plus a hardy foe to defeat.

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With the Alien Companion part: I been playing about with the Aliens by spawning a few and equiping them with Vanilla weps to see if they can use them and yup they can do except assault rifles... they firer them fine but only hold them as if firing a pistol and dont reload them.


If some body does create a Alien Companion Mod, make sure that they are able to equip vanilla weps for people who wish for them to use them. Ah also they can use Single handed Mele weapons too. Dunno bout double handed such as the Super Sledge but will find out asap.


here is a quick snapshop of one ofthose Aliens with personal shielding weilding a Shishkabab:




Oh I used the console commands: additem 434e 1 And equipitem 434e +clicking on the Alien in Console mode.


Looks pretty damn cool dont ya think? Plus a hardy foe to defeat.



Jingwei's Shocksword would work as well.

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After playing Mothership Zeta I have an urge to have that Alien Captain by my side to help destroy the evil eroded Grizzly Bears.

This has got to happen. :thanks: Almost forgot...If this is made,the Alien needs to have the ability to actually enter and leave Zeta(unlike all other companions).

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After playing Mothership Zeta I have an urge to have that Alien Captain by my side to help destroy the evil eroded Grizzly Bears.

This has got to happen. :thanks: Almost forgot...If this is made,the Alien needs to have the ability to actually enter and leave Zeta(unlike all other companions).


Was the Captain any different than the generic alien when you fought him? Because I just used the Experimental MIRV on that part. [With God Mode on Of Course.]

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After playing Mothership Zeta I have an urge to have that Alien Captain by my side to help destroy the evil eroded Grizzly Bears.

This has got to happen. :thanks: Almost forgot...If this is made,the Alien needs to have the ability to actually enter and leave Zeta(unlike all other companions).


Was the Captain any different than the generic alien when you fought him? Because I just used the Experimental MIRV on that part. [With God Mode on Of Course.]


Well,besides a different costume and a better weapon,I believe he had slightly more health. I'm pretty sure but excuse me if i'm wrong. I just ran in with an alien blaster. Thought the MIRV would be just a bit suicidal in a place like that. :blink:

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