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I need help


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I am creating my own map and its called Batharz.esp then when i go into CK and make a dungeon and link it to an exterior door and save it as Batharz update.esp. But when i go into game and go there none of the changes are saved. The files are active and the load order makes it so Batharz.esp first. Help!

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Batharz update.esp should be the active esp. I don't know why you would need Batharz..esp unless you have it scripted that way. If so and you put Batharz update.esp below it in the load order but, if it is all the same mod, and you just made changes, you should just need one.

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Batharz update.esp should be the active esp. I don't know why you would need Batharz..esp unless you have it scripted that way. If so and you put Batharz update.esp below it in the load order but, if it is all the same mod, and you just made changes, you should just need one.

I tried that but the ship to get there that is added in the first .esp isnt there and is the map.

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