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ENB that removes and replaces objects


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There are a ton of ENB mods out there and all the authors are so impressed with their work, boasting high performance and graphics, but I ask you this:

Can an ENB IMPROVE performance?!

I think of a mod changed the ground textures to be more appealing, maybe edited the rock meshes and plants a bit, but also removed many of the loadable objects that don't do much for the environment that it could drastically improve performance.

If a mod already does that, aside from seasons of skyrim winter, please let me know. It sounds so easy, just go for that nice summer feel.

PROTIP: I may not be a good modder, but I can never paint a good summer portrait without having actually experienced summer recently.

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Umm, I think you're misunderstanding what ENB does. This primary purpose of ENB is to change how things appear by enabling additional effects. It has nothing to do with the actual meshes or textures. All of these extra effects will cost you some performance. ENB presets are often released with a performance version that leaves out some of the more taxing effects in order to minimize FPS loss. There is a mod for ENB called ENBoost which changes how Skyrim handles memory, improving performance. ENBoost can be used without any of the graphical changes people associate with ENB, so you can use it to boost performance even if you want to avoid the performance decrease that comes with installing a preset.


I'm a little confused about what you're asking for. It sounds like you want a summer overhaul that also increases performance by removing some of the less noticeable objects. Is this correct?

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  • 8 months later...

In the assumption that ENB stands for Enhanced Natural Beauty, my use of the term is fine. You're just assuming the word can only relate to injecting processes into visual rendering. It's not your fault, that's just what it's become slang for here on the nexus. I like to make it my goal in life to use English correctly at all times.

Thank you for your time.

Ah, but you made a good point by questioning my use of the word "objects." I suppose I mean the textures and meshes, certainly, but also the processes already used by the game if possible to change to a less system heavy setting.

The idea behind the mod would, for the most part, allow any sort of game mechanic to play out on even low end rigs. Right now, all the flashy lights and interestingly detailed in-game objects can start to put strain on most systems during routine tasks like combat. In extreme cases animations like sitting down or walking at a casual pace can slow a system down.

I'm talking about an extreme downgrade, stripping Skyrim of all but it's most fundamental parts.

but I'll settle with slight light changes if it might improve performance. Maybe a couple elder scrolls from now I'll have learned enough to give making myself it a try.

Edited by DoctorCrimson
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My comment was from a long time ago, but I believe I thought you meant an ENB preset because that's what you seemed to be referring to when you talked about how many there were and how people like to claim theirs has little effect on performance. Anyways, I'm not too familiar with how ENB works, but I do believe it has the potential to do things other than make stuff look pretty. Any development on the sort of thing you want from ENB would probably have to come from Boris though. You're probably a lot better off posting on the ENB dev forums because they probably know what they're talking about.


On the other hand, lot of things could probably be stripped down through more normal means. Replacing meshes and textures, including the ones for fancy effects, with lower quality ones can improve performance by a lot. You could also remove a lot of rocks and trees entirely since those don't really do anything. There's probably stuff you can do to reduce the load on the script engine as well, but that really isn't something I know much about. Thing is, the vast majority of people aren't interested in lower quality things and it's still a lot of work to make them. It's not difficult, but it's boring and time-consuming. If this is for yourself, it's probably a good idea to look around for whatever performance mods you can find and learn how to do things yourself since there probably won't be many people willing to help you out. At least not directly. People are usually willing to answer questions.

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Pertaining to Dr. Crimson's comment about "ENB" and stripping away stuff, it just doesn't add up. Beauty is detail. Beauty is euphoria of colors. Beauty is perfection in the nearest sense. Stripping stuff away would make Skyrim ugly. What I suggest is you remove useless vegetation to improve performance.




Good luck. It's pretty hard to use but once you know it, it'll be like riding a bike ;)

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