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US Army Future Force Warrior


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Hey, I have been a avid watcher of military technology, discovering the US Army's Future Force Warrior. It is simply the next generation of US army soldiers who will have all kinds of combat improvements, etc. I would like this armor to be a non-replacement and not a retex of the Combat armor. This request basically calls for Modelling and Skinning abilities. So just so you know i would like this model to detailed. The Armor is basically designed to be ergonomically friendly to the soldiers.


The idea is adding optics, enhanced communication and detection as well as durability and protection to the suit they wear. With this idea alone, you could imagine the stat buffs the armor could give techinically speaking in terms of Fallout's coding. The Armor itself is the same thing they wear today but modified. I am not sure if this is also going to be for the marines (They might have thier own seperate project). As far as the helmet goes make four versions with different buffs, i will give an idea of how it could lay out. The Helmets also include different looks and as described the four flavors have unique buffs.




DR 8





DR 8





DR 8






DR 8



Future Force Warrior Armor Suit


DR 28





Now, for some images to show you the idea of what it looks like.








Note the armor under the uniform.


Thanks for looking!

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Hey, I have been a avid watcher of military technology, discovering the US Army's Future Force Warrior. It is simply the next generation of US army soldiers who will have all kinds of combat improvements, etc. I would like this armor to be a non-replacement and not a retex of the Combat armor. This request basically calls for Modelling and Skinning abilities. So just so you know i would like this model to detailed. The Armor is basically designed to be ergonomically friendly to the soldiers.


The idea is adding optics, enhanced communication and detection as well as durability and protection to the suit they wear. With this idea alone, you could imagine the stat buffs the armor could give techinically speaking in terms of Fallout's coding. The Armor itself is the same thing they wear today but modified. I am not sure if this is also going to be for the marines (They might have thier own seperate project). As far as the helmet goes make four versions with different buffs, i will give an idea of how it could lay out. The Helmets also include different looks and as described the four flavors have unique buffs.




DR 8





DR 8





DR 8






DR 8



Future Force Warrior Armor Suit


DR 28





Now, for some images to show you the idea of what it looks like.








Note the armor under the uniform.


Thanks for looking!


LOL the guy on the left in the top picture is playing xbox360. I wonder if he's playing Fallout3?

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I had a feeling someone was gonna remark on that haha.


I think it's a remote control to a Deployable Unmanned probe, not sure though. He uses it to defuse bombs, or uses it to control that new remote control M249 SAW drone. I know combat armor with the ACU camo is out there but it doesn't satisfy me, the combat armor doesn't really look close to the armor these guys wear. The BDU and helmet have different dimensions.


By the way, if someone does turn out to model and/or skin this please don't make it glossy, keep it flat and make a fabric texture on the helmet and clothes respectively.

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I had a feeling someone was gonna remark on that haha.


I think it's a remote control to a Deployable Unmanned probe, not sure though. He uses it to defuse bombs, or uses it to control that new remote control M249 SAW drone. I know combat armor with the ACU camo is out there but it doesn't satisfy me, the combat armor doesn't really look close to the armor these guys wear. The BDU and helmet have different dimensions.


By the way, if someone does turn out to model and/or skin this please don't make it glossy, keep it flat and make a fabric texture on the helmet and clothes respectively.


LOL, I know the guy isn’t really playing a video game. I was just being a smartass. That’d be hilarious if the guy was in the middle of a desert battlefield going, “wooohooo I just got a triple quadruple kill killing spree killtacular killtrocity in the sand trap, Wooooohooo!!!!

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That’d be hilarious if the guy was in the middle of a desert battlefield going, “wooohooo I just got a triple quadruple kill killing spree killtacular killtrocity in the sand trap, Wooooohooo!!!!



And blows their cover

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Does anyone think that camo looks good? If not there is always the ACU Digicamo scheme.


I don't think i have seen a mod on Fallout nexus of a Modern BDU with a decent cloth texture on the armor and helmet, and the combat armor doesn't live up to my expectations as far as it goes for me..

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...but that is probably because it is set 200 years after a nuclear war that spanned the entire world....not much in the way of freshly produced armor. Even if it was stored it doesn't stay in perfectly preserved shape for that period of time.
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