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File Tracking Centre Suggestion


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Firstly, I'd like to thank Dark0ne for this great site.


Secondly, I would like to suggest an amendment to the file tracking centre.


Currently, when I go to the tracking centre page, I get a list of the latest actions for my favourite files. In some cases, the latest actions can run to 2 - 3 pages of updates to just one mod, eg Bananasplit Better Cities or Animated Window Lighting System, which makes it time consuming to find updates to other mods.


My suggestion is that when I go to the tracking centre page, I get a list of the mods I am tracking, similar to the 'Manage your tracked files' page, but showing the last time/date of any update. I should then be able to click on any of the mods, to be taken to a detailed list of the recent updates similar to what is currently on the 'File tracking feed' page, but only showing the updates for the selected mod. Clicking on the mod title would then take me to the mod page.


This would let me check at a glance which of my tracked mods have recently been updated, and discover what the updates were with one click.


I hope this suggestion meets with your approval, and is possible to be implemented (and sorry if this has been mentioned somewhere before)


Thank you



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