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Why i feel the game is kind of broken.


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Jesus Christ, what did this guy post? Am I the only one who sees:
*Moderator, Please delete this thread to prevent flaming.*



I hope someone would have understood, but i guess not.


yes, I saw what the guy said, and I find it odd that he would consider anything said here to be flaming.


it saying that he lacks understanding of how the videogame industry works, and saying that his opinion on Fallout being broken is an unfair jugment based on the fact than 99% of games are worse is considered flameing, then I must be on the wrong planet or something...




I saw and I ignored, a skill I am quite good at :wink:




you really shouldn't open a debate, and then go off asking for it to be closed the first time someone respectfully disagrees with you and shares their opposing opinion and very un-flaming like (yes I just made up a word...) tells you where you are mistaken


Now if anyone was offended by what I said, I appoligize, but if you can't deal with someone not agreeing with you then you shouldn't open up a topic on a Fallout 3 forum bashing the developers of Fallout 3, who I happen to hold a great deal of respect for...




Storytelling in videogames is a subject I am quite passionate about, since I hope to someday make a career out of working on games, and wrighting stories has been a long time hobby of mine. I hope that someday I will be able to bring the two together and make a truly emersive enteractive story for a game... I am grateful for the direction Bethesda and Bioware are going, and would like to thank them for at least trying and for takeing one step further from where they were when they made Oblivion...



I never wanted to offend anyone, I just wanted to speak for the developers and mabe help people understand that haveing a truely deep conversation system in a game is no easy task, it is a long journey that only a handful of developers are willing to take, but as long as they keep moveing foward, even if it is small steps, it will be the people at Bioware and Bethesda (and hopefully me someday...) you will have to thank when the first true Enteractive Story is released

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Jesus Christ, what did this guy post? Am I the only one who sees:
*Moderator, Please delete this thread to prevent flaming.*



I hope someone would have understood, but i guess not.


He simply posted his opinion of the game, stating some good points that I totally agree with. But after a few over zealous replies he edited his post and deleted his original post with the one you quoted.

As to avoid further burn wounds from posters armed with flamethrowers lol


I don't see any flamethrowers though...


I just went back and re-read this thing, and I will post the two worst comments I have found...


you cannot exclude mods from the argument and then criticise the game.


it invalidates everything you say.




The fact is, Fallout 3 has more stuff in it than most of the 60$ games sitting next to it, so to say that it is broken is just plane ungratefull and it shows that you lack any kind of understanding of the game industry...


If that is considered flameing, then I must be totaly crazy (which is quite possible) and I will go back to makeing my mod and leave any sort of conversations well alone, since obviously people don't like being told that other people don't agree with them...

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All i can say is i am greatful and the game pleases me, but it does lack some aspects to it that would otherwise complete it for me, and others.


Think about it: You bring a kid from Lamp littlelight to Bigtown, the kid thanks you and no remarks are made upon it from any of the bigtown people, they also keep on with the "We are gonna die" crap and you feel helpless like there is no quest to make them at peace or something.


Rivet city and the alchoholic could have been a quest making her a better person to herself and her son, etc but it is all just static dialogue with no interactive purpose, etc..


That is some of the stuff i said in a nutshell. It would have taken 10 minutes to read it was a large post anyways.

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All i can say is i am greatful and the game pleases me, but it does lack some aspects to it that would otherwise complete it for me, and others.


Think about it: You bring a kid from Lamp littlelight to Bigtown, the kid thanks you and no remarks are made upon it from any of the bigtown people, they also keep on with the "We are gonna die" crap and you feel helpless like there is no quest to make them at peace or something.


Rivet city and the alchoholic could have been a quest making her a better person to herself and her son, etc but it is all just static dialogue with no interactive purpose, etc..


That is some of the stuff i said in a nutshell. It would have taken 10 minutes to read it was a large post anyways.



all of which is true


it would make it a better game, but just because NASA has only made it to the moon, and not Mars, doesn't mean NASA is broken or that NASA is any less competent at what they do. They are still far ahead of the competition and are takeing the small steps neccessary to move foward...


I would love to move the game foward as far as dialogue goes, that is one of the main focuses of the mod I am currently working on. I am adding npc REACTIONS to what your player does. That is really the key to what makes people want to keep playing. The npcs in my town will react to what you say to them and the choices of stuff you say to them is not going to be just black and white, good and evil... I want to try and create a true understanding of a character through conversations, the way that a novel makes you understand a character, not by explaining what they look like or do, but by putting in dialogue

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Correction: Just because NASA landed on the moon instead of Mars, doesn't mean we should all act like they made it to Mars, or bothered to go back to the moon in the past 40 years (with humans). I understand your point, but you seem to act like Fallout 3 is a majorly massive milestone. It's a cut above, but it could have been done better, even given the restrictions of the industry, and should have, would it have taken longer? Yes, we might have it today instead of last year. Not that time equals greatness (Half Life 2's scope, though epic, was reduced from a much greater presentation that would have been far more interesting than an occupation, it would have been an occupation with... more, particularly enemy types beyond head crab, head crab zombie, strider, gunship (which, in that it never uses it's anti-matter cannon, seems weaker than the HK chopper), HK chopper, metro cops, slightly better combine soldiers..., partially due to the leaked beta which they try to avoid talking about, referencing to or using particular bits of interest from).


Fallout 3 had more quests, slightly more dialog, a little larger world, better graphics (on characters, weapons were less well done), less enemy types, less weapons, less environmental effects, less realism (not that it's specifically bad, the series isn't realistic, that's known), than S.T.A.L.K.E.R., which came out two years ago and was developed by a much smaller developer in the Ukraine. It's more sophisticated than Oblivion, with better (on average) and fewer quests, less color (come on, it's 200 years later, we can't get some trees outside of a single mutant forest that occupies the same amount of ground as a house, and the green tint...) and less methods of travel. But it's biggest competition comes from it's predecessors, known for their vast worlds, interesting characters, and satirical theme. They had more weapons, better story lines (less so in the side quests), better realized worlds (for the technology of their time and the semi-top down view, which both helps because you can make things sprites instead of fully animated models, and hurts because there is only so much detail you can put into a character that you see from 50 feet away in the air, at an angle) and a general sense of humor (Fallout 3 characters have about as much humor as my pinky, even Dukov is easily pissed off from the more snark remarks, despite the fact that they aren't threats). It's a game, and while it's not perfect, Bethesda could have tried harder to make characters and dialog, and hired some more voice actors, it's not that much to ask, at least the voices are consistent in and out of conversation (referencing the beggar bug in oblivion, still present in hunters, scavengers, some children, and some brotherhood members). If they're going to re-use so much from the old games (and not do Supermutant's justice), then their content should at least be up to par. Fallout 3 is an 8/10 game, okay, 8.6/10 given the DLC included (GOTY edition), living up to a 9/10 game. It doesn't help that it's decently unstable and built on outdated .net frameworks, or that they screwed the modding community (and yes, I know, having an SDK like the GECK is rare and we should be thankful, but they could have at least acknowledged it's existence and checked before releasing patch 1.5, that broke the scripts that they gave short tutorials on how to make).

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