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intro sequence goes mad when immersive armours installed


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First, the video;



My mod list is posted in the video details.


Yes, I run TES5Edit

Yes, I'm using BOSS

Yes, Am using an newly built bashed patch and the newest Xanthra Reproccer

Have tried fiddling with the conf.ini - to no effect


I un-install immersive weapons and the intro works fine. Re-install it and I get the chaos shown aboe.


Any ideas?



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I had the same issue recently. If I'm not mistaken, Immersive Armors and Realistic Ragdolls and Force seem to conspire together to ruin the intro sequence. I resolved it by waiting until I was in Helgen Keep to activate Realistic Ragdolls (I was using Reduced as well).

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The generally accepted wisdom is to only install your mods AFTER you've completed the intro sequence, or install a mod like Arthmoor's live another life to bypass it entirely (also because OMG if I get warned about a bear in that cave one more time I will murder someone). Because the intro sequence (being the entirety of the Helgen stuff up until you exit the cave) is one of the most bizarrely heavily scripted on-rails part of the game and there is just so much that can and will go wrong.

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