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Daedric Armors


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So the Daedric Armor as it is now is actually worn mostly by Mehrunes Dagon's subordinates (the Dremora). I thought that it should be possible to wear Daedric Armor related to other princes as well. Here are a few ideas:


Hermoran Armor

Armor based on Hermaeus Mora. It would look sort of like wearing the dead body of a Seeker (the floating enemies in Apocrypha). May also contain parts of Miraak's Robes (but not too much, since Miraak's armor is after all Dragon Priest armor).


Meridian Armor

Based on Meridia. Looks mostly like typical paladin armor, but with an artistical style similar to the Dawnbreaker.


* In fact this armor could be based on Auroran armor. Or Umaril's armor.


Hircine Armor

This already sort of exists in game (Savior's Hide) but it could be expanded upon. Right now the armor that would be closest is the Forsworn armor. One idea that I saw on the internet (forgot where) is having a helmet that can also be used as a bow (Hircine's headdress looks like the enormous skull and antlers of a deer). Pulling off your head and shooting it. Sounds very hard to implement.


Malacath Armor

Somewhat similar to a blend between Orcish and Hardened Falmer Armor. So really green, and really spiky. Like Volendrung.


Namira's Armor

Just plain gross. Lots of tentacles, maybe spider legs. Should look like having a huge octopus hugging you from the back. Plain Falmer Armor may be a good starting point. Also, lots of holes. The armor should trigger trypophobia :wink:

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