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Pipboy Be Gone... You Broke my Pipboy. :|


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Well the Pipboy Remover mod I am currently using definitely makes it worse. However deactivating the .esp does not fix the problem. Instead my pipboy will simply cease to exist when i load the game, forcing me to start a whole new one. Even then the Pipboy is too far to the left.


Anyway I can change the title of this post? lol


Also, should this be moved to the Technical Issues forum?

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could it be that misunderstodd the purpose of begone maybe? it removes the pipboy from 3rd person view, if you activate the pipboy neverthelesss while in 3rd you have it on your lower left of the screen it seems

only activate it in 1st person!

or maybe yu use the FOSE version but dont have FOSE installed

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I first installed Pipboy Begone in order to remove the Pipboy from my 3rd person view.. I find the Pipboy to be an unsightly attachment... Looks like someone amputated half your arm and replaced it with a bulky, crude robotic counterpart imho. To this effect, Pipboy Begone was excellent. However, whenever I entered first person view and pressed Tab to bring up my Pipboy, it always went SEVERELY off the left edge of my monitor. So, figuring it was Pipboy begone, I removed the .esp and started a new game. However,to my dismay, the Pipboy remained off the edge of the monitor. So I exited the game, turned off Archive invalidation, and ta-dah! My Pipboys fixed. At this point, I assumed there were some errant texture or mexh files I needed to remove. However, upon searching through my Fallout 3 Data folder, I could not find any pipboy textures or meshes that once deleted would fix my problem. Furthermore, Pipboy Begone does not install any new mesh or texture files; it's only an ESP. I do have FOSE installed, although it IS the experimental version designed for Fallout 1.6; perhaps that's the problem...? Also, I have tried bothe the FOSE and non-FOSE versions of Pipboy begone, both of which removed y Pipboy from Third Person view, neither of which seemed to fix my current problem. I am currently using Pipboy Remover, which on Nexus is named something like "Pipboy invisible when not in use". It DOES use new meshes. However, they still don't fix anything.
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