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Race Powers that Matter


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I don't have any modding ability whatsoever. So, here I am!


I'd absolutely love a mod that takes the racial powers and makes them effective, constant, or unlimited use.


Altmer: Highborn constant extra regeneration of magicka

Argonian: Histskin constant extra regeneration of health

Bosmer: Animals your level or lower will not attack, plus ability to make one animal your ally unlimited times per day

Breton: constant absorption of 50% of magic attacks

Dunmer: "Ancestor's Wrath" is unlimited usage

Imperial: People your level or lower will not attack first (excludes vampires, dungeons, plot, etc), plus: calm unlimited use

Khajiit: Night-eye toggle or adaptive night-eye

Nord: Battle cry unlimited use

Orsimer: Always take half damage and deal double damage

Redguard: constant regeneration of stamina


Broken? Yeah, maybe. But that depends on the numbers, in the end. I'd just like to see the racial powers ACTUALLY MATTER in gameplay. As it is, you can choose any race and have a fine time of any fighting style. Why not make the races actually matter?

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