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Portable Invasions and other requests


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Although there are hundreds, if not thousands, of great mods on the Nexus, there are still some things that I, and probably many others, would love to see, but either don't know how or are to lazy to make. I've listed some of these ideas below. Some are ports from Oblivion that deserve to visit Skyrim.


Food Spoilage: I know some hunger mods have this, but just having a mod with a single spoilage script would be wonderful. I don't want all the extras of an eating mod, but I would like spoilage to be there for a little realism.


Your Inventory is a Backpack: There is a nice mod, Functional Bags, that has the beginning of this script, but it's limited to specific items. This mod gives you a backpack that reduces the weight of the items in it (to a certain maximum) instead of a Carry Weight bonus. Plus, if you are over-encumbered, you push a hotkey and drop the backpack before you enter battle, coming back later to either pick it up or open it.


Apachii Goddess Store/God Store: Hopefully, this mod will be carried over someday. It was your one stop shop for new armors and clothing and the proprietors were simply divine!


Rebuild Winterhold: So, you become Arch-Mage and begin delving into the secret history of the college. You are shocked and dismayed to discover that the College was (at least partially) responsible for the cataclysm there. To make amends, you begin to rebuild the city to its former glory. This is like Rebuild Helgen, but for mages and probably with some chance to become the new jarl, as well.


Attacking costs Stamina: I know mods like Ultimate Combat do this, but again, for the person who doesn't want all the extras, this would add much realism without much hassle.


Armor Add-Ons: This mod would add pieces to existing armors that could be bought, crafted and found in the world. So ebony pauldrons, dwemer boot-spikes, and the like could each take the appropriate slots on the PC's body. How about leather shin or knee guards on those armors that leave your sexy legs showing?


Portable Invasions: Many house mods (Build Your Own Home, Heartwood Cottage etc.), give you a nice little place to call home in the wilderness. These are great and all, but they should require protection now and then. I loved Tundra Defense's raid system, so something like that by itself would be superb! You place an item, such as a chest, outside your front door, and then your home will be subjected to random attacks with configurable frequencies, difficulties and types.


Waalx Animals and Creatures or WAC: This is another perfect mod that needs to visit Skyrim. It was hard to find on the net for Oblivion, but it was soooo worth it. Skyrim already used some of his ideas, like having cages suspended in the air with dead bodies and being able to encounter small, harmless creatures. This mod did so much, completely changing Tamriel, and I imagine if Waalx set his sites on Skyrim....watch out!


Enemy Health Percentage: Something that displays the % of an enemy's health remaining when you are in combat with them.


Mini-map: A little map in the corner of your screen for interiors so you don't have to go to the map screen.


Divine Vows: You vow yourself to one of the Divines and receive a constant effect and better blessings. However, this takes away all the effects of other Altars except for the curing of diseases. You could also fall out of favor with your Divine if you complete quests for certain Daedric Princes.


Spell Customization: For a fee, the College of Winterhold will tweak any known spell, increasing its magnitude and/or duration. Call it "Pimp My Spell" lol.


A non-lore Lovecraft mod: It doesn't have to have Cthulhu rise from the Sea of Ghosts to attack Solitude, though how awesome would that be to see, but something Lovecraftian in nature, dealing with cosmic horror and insanity-causing terrors would be great!


Portable Hole: Just like the old D&D days....


Guards Forget About You: If you have a bounty under a certain amount, it goes away after a while, maybe a few days for stealing an apple to a few months for assault on a non-guard. This isn't a decay where it gets lower, because that doesn't happen in real life, but something to reflect that people no longer care or remember the little things you did.


Tundra Defense 2: TD is an awesome mod, but there is so few options for furniture (why can't I have noble furniture!) and it could really be expanded in many different ways. The author already said he would let someone else take it over. There needs to be guards not based on bandits and the inn needs to actually rent a room to you and sell food. The woman who gives you the smelter could actually turn all that ore you get from the mine into ingots for you. Some buyable structures like the grain mill could generate income. Other things, like dwarven structures could attract dwemer constructs and werewolf head posts could attract werewolf raids, maybe the Silver Hand would even stop by. There could be different houses available for purchase, so you can choose from different hold architecture.


Companion Keep-Up: Every companion you have costs 50 gold a day, or some configurable rate, just to feed and keep them. Also, they expect part of the loot or they leave.


The Listener Listens: If you are the Listener, why do you have to go out and do the killings? Tell one of your new recruits what the job is and collect part of the fee if/when they come back.


Start Your Own Guild: What kind of guild? Whatever you want: Adventurers Guild, Bandit Guild, Dragon-Slayer Guild, Vampire Guild, Anti-Thalmore Guild. Find recruits or use other modded companions. Build and customize a headquarters ala Build Your Own Home to whatever theme matches the guild. Radiant quests will keep you busy.


Whew! I'm sorry I just have been keeping all this in for the longest time. I always thought I'd have time to do some of these, but I still can't get the hang of Papyrus. I hope I've inspired a few of you to create some of these. I know many people besides me would be very happy and thankful for many of these to see the light of day. Thank you for reading and have a great day/night where you are at!!!

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