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Call of Juarez


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Wow the graphics in Call of Juarez bound in blood are amazing, i mean wow, even better in 1080p at ridiculous frame rates. They managed to get shadowing perfect, no jaggies at all wow. Everything on max to.


i say it beats Cryisis in graphics.

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Great Scott! I was just about to make a thread for the exact same game!


This game is excellent. Rarely is a sequel to a game as good as this one and I must admit, this game surpassed all my expectations. Graphically, it is superior to all the games I've played previously in terms of lighting effects.

As for gameplay, all I can say is wow. The first one was fun, but it's not even close to how fun this one is.

In terms of story, it wasn't great, but it was a nice story and I'm glad I now know the history behind Reverend Ray, who was one of my favorite protagonists of all time.

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Halororor actually caught on to my real name aye :thumbsup: , do to my psn account name, it was bound to happen :biggrin:


if anyone want's to know i am getting around 120fps in game, witch i think is quit impressive.


Oh almost forgot the loading times i am getting are amazing 2 sec loads, fantastic. SSD drive fun :biggrin: .

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You lucky guys! :P My laptop turns off every time I try to play a decent game. So I'm stuck with 2000-2003 games :(

At least I can play Morrowind :D


I'd give Call of Juarez a go if I'd have a decent PC.

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