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New Reviewer on the scene!!!


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Yo dudes and dudets Im Ruisu Hathaway and im willing to rview eny oblivion mod so send me the webaddress or file or woteva i and there will be a rivew on it in the next week. And remember im only human so not to meany can be dun at 1 time. Have fun modding and sending me rives gd luck.
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Yo dudes and dudets Im Ruisu Hathaway and im willing to rview eny oblivion mod so send me the webaddress or file or woteva i and there will be a rivew on it in the next week. And remember im only human so not to meany can be dun at 1 time. Have fun modding and sending me rives gd luck.

No offense, but people might we more open to the idea if you took the time to spell out words properly, or address them in a more normal and professional tone. Just because English may not be a first language, or even one you're remotely familiar with, doesn't exclude you from making so many lazy mistakes. It might also help having some examples of reviews you already wrote up for some of the more popular mods so that they can get some sort of feel for how fair you are, your ability to understand the amount of effort that goes into a mod, and other aspects which could be deemed vital to deciding if your review is even worth reading.


Without all this, you pretty much come off as just some rat-male without a father kid looking for people to send you links to mods so that you may point out every little flaw, and flame them for it. Your post, if anything, comes off as more of an attempt at trolling than anything. Again, no offense.

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"We don't take kindly to your types around er'here!"


Well, I do but a lot of times when you 'review' an Oblivion mod lots of things get thrown around like:

"Locked for being overly critical"

"If you don't have anything nice to say..."

"It's free, so you can't complain"

"You've probably never made anything in your life... you have no idea how hard modding isand how much work was put in to the mod!"




Anyway there's lots of lists you can check....




List of lists:




Choose a mod and lets see what you have to say. :rolleyes:

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