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Making a merchant


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I'm currently in the process of making ''New Springvale" and im having a few problems.


*First and foremost, Merchant, how do i make them?


*Second, I've been making patrols, but i cant figure out how long the patrol length equals. (1 doesn't equal 1 game hour) so if you could give me a breakdown on how to make these numbers match up.


*Third, how do i make a new faction, and how do i make it so if i attack a settler the guards will attack me, and not say "Better him than me" that's not what a guard should do.



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lolz just kidding man




hmm I'd start with looking on nexus in the companions part

there's tutorials to making npc's in there somewhere



You could find someone mod that has the thing you were looking for an open it in geck to see what they did

or PM someone that does this kind of thing really well



I make guns that's about it.





I would think that the factions would be in the list somewhere in geck if they were on the table



Like stuff like sound, you go to sound, that's the list, double click something kind of like what you wanted

in order to make it more simple from the settings, rename it so it will create a new form, change the settings

hit okay an yes create new form, from then on it shows up in the sound list.





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