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A Glider Mod


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---I also posted this in another area of the forums but I think it fits better in the requests area---




The other day I was standing on top of one of the Sat Com arrays at sunset

in the wasteland, the wind whistling, and it hit me:

wouldn't it be fantastic to base jump off the top of the tower and just glide towards the horizon, landing softly on the ground?


There could be the corpse of a dead, crazy inventor (a wasteland DaVinci, if you will) and beside him is the as-yet-untested glider.

Perhaps it's equippable like a back-pack mod (as an armor mesh, perhaps?)...

It would allow one to jump off of the SatCom dishes, cliffs and highway overpasses in the wasteland (though I know that downtown DC is a no-no b/c of all the collision problems)

and glide to a soft landing. Think of jumping off an overpass to escape raiders and gliding away!!! It wouldn't have to work EVERYWHERE in the wastes. Just in a few, high-elevation areas that normally can be suicide-jumpable. Heck, just off the SATCOM towers would be a start!


...does anyone know if such a mod would be possible or relatively easy to implement?




(TOTAL modding n00b)



P.S. Just looking through the mods again and thinking maybe it's possible to turn off Fall Damage for the player on equipping an item (i.e. the glider) and also changing gravity and movement speed? Maybe FOSE could do this?


Sorry, this is my first mod idea and I have no modding experience whatsoever. Just wondering if it's worth investing the time and effort by seeing if it's even possible.




As a note, BigKevSexyMan told me:


"There's a command in Geck called resetFallDamageTimer. If you run that on the player, then you should be able to escape the impact death and keep you falling at a steady speed. The only issue is creating an animation for when you are gliding and knowing when to deploy it.



Yes, I think it's very possible."


This gives me hope! Would anyone like to assist me in working on this mod? I think it's got a bit of subtlety that things like "ADD HELICOPTERS OR PLANES/JETPACKS" lack. Yeah?

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if you can figure it out code wise, I can probly get you at least a half decent hanglider model and texture


but other than that I can be no help at all, I don't know the Geck well, just 3Ds Max and Photoshop...




Kev has a working jetpack, so if he says it will probly be possible, it probly is

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Holy COW - yeah, I just searched for keyword "jetpack" and found his posts on Magnetic Epicenter. Wow!

I might be hitting him up with some questions.


It seems clear from the posts that the biggest problem is getting the character animations to look decent.


I suppose a parachute might be easier... hmmmm... yeah, I'm going to see if I can make the parachute thing work as a start, then maybe move onto a glider.

I think there's a mesh for parachutes in the game (I remember one in hanging from the trees in the point lookout swamps).

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