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I need help:Exterior navmesh.


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So,i've been having problems working with exterior navmesh.I know i shouldn't delete vanilla navmesh because it cause all sort of problems.

What i wonder is:Can i move the green cell border edges away from the yellow line so that the whole navmesh in that cell becomes an island and then drag it (ctrll+Z+drag down)far under the map and then create a new navmesh on the ground and finalize (new cell borders included) it again? Would this cause any problem?


(sorry for bad english ç_ç)

Edited by PCDug
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I have heard of people doing that but I've never understood why.


You can't delete the navmesh but you can edit it as much as you like. You can delete all but 1 triangle in each cell of the original navmesh and then start recreating them how you want it by adding to that one original triangle.


At least this has always woeked for me. No doubt someone will tell us if I'm missing something.

Edited by mrpdean
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