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Placeable traps


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Can someone make a mod where you can place traps.

tripwires, pressure pads, shotguns, grenades, etc.


Ever since I noticed the traps in Fallout, I've been thinking, Why can the NPCs place traps but not me.

It would be awesome to enter a building, place traps, and wait for the fireworks.


And maybe as an extra, you could place a gas canister, and it would let out gas, so you can blow the place.

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Id personally like to make something like the propeller traps from Half Life 2's Ravenholm level, PArts needed:

Lawnmower Blade


Scrap Metalx6


Blender Motor (new item)x4

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I wouldn't be that hard, now I'm no expert on scripting, but from all the mods I've seen, I'd say this is possible.
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Immediately tracked. I think this would be amazing, and go extremely well with the RTS mod. You could make it work like those portable house mods, where you lay down an object and shoot it. Also, I JUST Made it to a certain part in Ravenholm, and I figure if fast moving objects can hurt you, it shouldn't be too hard to make. And It doesn't have a blade on it, it's two pipes held together by some kind of bracket, and a small platform of metal.
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