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otis0310 - Formal warning issued

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otis0310 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:

Mod comment troll.

Calling a mod author's work "pathetic" and accusing the author of not taking what is (in your opinion) adequate care is a very bad idea.


Doing so regarding a mod mod you haven't even tried almost brought out the BanHammer.


otis0310, on 14 Jan 2014 - 5:52 PM, said:

A lot of the female hair styles have long hair that has major clipping issues that are painfully obvious in character creation, I couldn't imagine how bad they would be in game.

I really wish modders could see that just becaus they work in Sims 2 does not mean they work for other games. I recall playing with some nice long hair in Fallout 3 which was nice when walking around. But the split second I crouched down the hair went straight through her back and poked out through her chest. Really people, have a lot more care for your creations and test them in game.

Most of these hairstyles are clipping nightmares. Your character swing swords, casts spells, are in some in game cutscenes where they move around. How will your creations stand up to all of this movement? The simple answer here is they won't, they will clip to the point of being comical if not pathetic.

Please, PLEASE have more care with your creations.


Maybe a time-out will allow you to reflect on the fact that you have yet to do better, and that insulting those who have offered their work to the community (for free, I add) is no way to behave.

The Number One Rule on the Nexus is:
"Don't like it? Don't use it, but pass in silence."

Please, PLEASE... Learn it. Live it.

This warning was issued for what took place here

Restrictions in place
As part of the warning, otis0310 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:

This user cannot upload files for 14 days
This user cannot use file tools for 14 days
This user cannot download any file for 14 days
This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 14 days
This user cannot post comments on a specific file for 14 days
This user cannot upload images to the Image Share for 14 days
This user cannot endorse mods for 14 days
This user cannot endorse images for 14 days

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