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From the ashes of IaL rises CnC!


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I was searching through the HUGE list of topics on the forums when I came across a few that when compiled together would make my I am Legend mod so simple to do. That's great, for some maybe but not for me. For me this was a disappointment. So I have decided to bury my idea into a dark abyss from which it shall probably never return. But instead I will be picking up on a mod a friend of mine suggested a few months ago, and that would be a Command and Conquer Mod!


How will this go about? One might be temped to ask and this is my answer:


1.The Enclave will be turned into the Brotherhood of Nod, their names will say such, they will introduce themselves as such, and they will be recognized as such.

2.The Brotherhood of Steel will become the Global Defense Initiative, their names will say such, etc.

3.Weapon Models will be changed. Mostly minor model editing.

4.I will add fields of Tiberium which will give +10 rad/s

5.The player will be able to side with either the Nod or GDI forces and play through a completely new storyline.

6.No longer fear the normal beasts of the wastes but instead now fear such mutations as Viceroys, Tiberium hounds, and (after Mothership Zeta dlc) the Scrin!



Dlc Changes:


1.Mothership Zeta- The ship will contain the Scrin instead of the usual aliens.



Weapon Changes:


1.Nuclear explosion effect will be changed with a custom effect that causes the creation of tiberium. Coming in contact with a human will not kill them but instead change them into Viceroys, contact with dogs will turn them into tiberium hounds.


Tell me what you think, CnC lovers feel free to throw in further ideas!

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YES. This must be done. Ooh, and couldya fit in some Red Alert stuff too? Mind controlled mirelurks and Tesla Troopers would be awesome! This looks like a really cool mod, you should go ahead with it. I'm not too sure about making the Enclave into the Brotherhood of Nod, though. After all, they're a relatively low tech terrorist faction. They wouldn't have the stuff the Enclave would have. Like Power Armor. Unless, of course, you plan on completely changing them, then it works. And perhaps you could include giant walkers, a la Tiberian Sun?
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I Know a bit 3d design. Also I´m fond of cnc.


To wich universe are you aiming and wich era.


Red Alert: 1 2 3 (Here I would recomend the 2 and retake some of the assets and the story)

Tiberian: 1 2 3 4 (Tiberian Sun or Wars are my bets)

Generals (well I didn´t find it as interesting as the tiberian series)


Have to take in mind that you should aim for a little mod first and then expand, also you would need mapppers, geck experts, texturers, etc.


Count me in for 3d modelling. I did the tesla reactor blueprints on Deviantart (I use my other nick there).







I almost forgot Tiberium, we could make something similar just with a little touch rpg.

For artwork the best references are in the image gallery of http://www.cnc-source.com/forums/index.php?app=gallery.

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Then Tiberian it is. Wich of the 4 (well the 4 is upcoming) are you going to use (well Tiberium should also be counted for) just to make a general idea. Have you made any model yet?


I got the TS GDI rifle and TW commando rifle done. The wolverine i´m modelling now has only the top side finished, i still have to model the legs.

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