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From the ashes of IaL rises CnC!


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Tiberian Dawn (C&C 1) GDI/Nod Powerplant.




Now, after a rest, I will mod it a little to make the Advanced Power Plant. Then I will continue modelling the rest of buildings.

Only I have a question, in the video files of movies.mix the silo is shown as 2 different models, one of them is similar to ingame model, the other one is a bit taller. Wich model are you fond of?


We should make and intermediate release and put a base with some weapons and armour in the wasteland. Before getting into something bigger. Then it should get the attention of other people that might help to develop the mod even further.


The Nod vehicle you mention is the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle), it´s a walking vehicle wich transforms into the construction hub of Nod in TW.


By the way, are wrecked models also needed? Just to make destroyed versions of the buildings so they will be available for the TW ambientation. Since at the moment I´m making the TD one´s and haven´t started with TW and it would be nice to know.

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that "crab thing" is the command center. idk if we should use that exact model though. i mean cnc3 was ok. but yeah.... and about the temple.before you even go thinking about doing the temple i need to know how well you know the command and conquer universe. because the temple needs to be an enterable building and the inside needs to be somewhat similar to that of how it is in Command and Conquer: Renegade.
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7147 polygons. Tiberian Dawn Advanced Power Plant.




Ok, time to break some meshes!. I will make a derelict P. Plant and the Adv. P. Plant for decoration, shouldn´t take too long. A bit debris there, some bolean here and the mesh will turn into a derelict building.


Hey I will model the GDI comunications outpost (radar) and the barracks of Tiberium Wars If you don´t have them already. If not tell me what´s next. Some equipment, guns, armor?


I got a present for you! (TD GDI quote) I will submit a link and password for a rar file with the 3DS meshes already modelled.

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