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Help Needed: Reloading Animation for new weapon


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I can't simple get this new Revolver Rifle to reload properly with the in-game base reloading animations. I set it to reload like a .44 Magnum, but it somehow reloads like a Lever-Action Rifle from Point Lookout. And then I realized on how stupid I was, it simply won't work... =_=


I don't know how to make any animations for weapon reloading. I'm asking anyone with the skills to please help me with this problem...


here's a picture of the new weapon:


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Animation for reloading has always been a sore point for fallout. It will only reload like a revolver in 1handed pistol not rifle, you cant add new animation to NV only replace existing gun animation so you going to have to find something that already exists. As for creating brand new replacer animation anyway, well only ever seen one person do it for weapons, the author of WAR so its not exactly easy and hardly any one really knows how it seems.

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