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Mothership Zeta Transport Room


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I noticed a few mods being uploaded recently that open up the rest of the ship instead of making them [iNACCESSABLE]


Looked them over and not tried them as of yet, but noticed that people have had a few probs...


So how about making a Single transport room with a collection of Transporter Mats to each and every Section of the ship? Save time + effort in reaching every sector.


Then you could truly occupy the ship and do what ever the hell ya want.


Anyone could make this happen? I could but lil unsure what to do. I can connect doors to the world, yes but best leave it to those who can create entire rooms. Im just a fledgling enviroment creator.


So Quick, simple transporter room connected to the brigde witch gives you access to each and every part of the Ship? Captain's Parogative remember.

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