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Player home that requires fuel


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I was thinking today at work of a way to make FO3 funner/more realistic (hardly working) and I thought of the following.

A player home that requires some sort of fuel for electrical objects to work.

For example: No fuel, the lights won't go on, the healing station won't work, sentries won't be powered, elevator won't work, terminal won't power on and so on.

Instead of adding a new file specifically for the player home fuel, current ammunition and/or objects could be used.

For example: 100 Units of flamer fuel will last 4 days, one fission battery last a week. EC packs, energy cells and the like could also be used.

When the fuel has been depleted, emergency floodlights could go on, maybe a siren or something could ring to indicate the generator has shut-down.

Generator would have it's own room with a screen or something to put fuel into.

Back-story could be something like someone built a personal vault but for whatever reason was not able to connect it to DCs power-grid or another Vault, and built that generator.

Anyways, just an idea, but I would love it if something of the like came out.


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i would love that mod because i've killed nearly EVERYTHING in the capital wasteland so i got nothing to do exept loot things, but i need to get rid of stuff because i got way to much to carry ,it was something like 59854/300 the other day lol. so being able to use stuff to make fuel is a great idea
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i would love that mod because i've killed nearly EVERYTHING in the capital wasteland so i got nothing to do exept loot things, but i need to get rid of stuff because i got way to much to carry ,it was something like 59854/300 the other day lol. so being able to use stuff to make fuel is a great idea
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The real question is, what is the upside of this mod?


It really seems like it just adds one more hassle to deal with, but nothing that would really make the game any more fun...

I think it would make the game slightly more challenging; not necessarily a hassle.

It would make you feel slightly more as if it were really your post apocalypse strong-hold. I mean c'mon why is it fair that all other player homes siphon off the somehow still existent and operational DC power-grid.

I don't know if you feel the same way I do, but I would love this mod to be made.

Would do it myself if I had any skill in GECK.

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The real question is, what is the upside of this mod?


It really seems like it just adds one more hassle to deal with, but nothing that would really make the game any more fun...

I think it would make the game slightly more challenging; not necessarily a hassle.

It would make you feel slightly more as if it were really your post apocalypse strong-hold. I mean c'mon why is it fair that all other player homes siphon off the somehow still existent and operational DC power-grid.

I don't know if you feel the same way I do, but I would love this mod to be made.

Would do it myself if I had any skill in GECK.


I just feel like it is missing something... some kind of reward or something


but thats just my opinion, I don't like to add stuff to my game that just adds more chores for me to do without anything cool hapening in return...


good luck nonetheless

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I just feel like it is missing something... some kind of reward or something


but thats just my opinion, I don't like to add stuff to my game that just adds more chores for me to do without anything cool hapening in return...


good luck nonetheless


I know what you mean, what if this was a new location, rather than a player stronghold, a small barracks with some wastland survivors living there in total darkness, nothing works, they are eating mole rats etc. You get the generators up and running and then it becoms a small and well protected community. A one-off mission where you have to scour the wastes fro loads of junk, and a few books possible unique items, (a repair manual), teach the NPCs there how to use the various items....


Maybe repair manuals for several features of this barracks, 1 for sentry guns/bots, 1 for water purifier, 1 for food sanitiser etc etc. Could add several unique items scattered around, once done, you have a room there, with a trader, bar, a few others, and then you can bring 'parts' to keep the place running in return for ammo or something (seeing as its a deserted barracks). Must be well sealed, they only venture out for supplies, and many times, people dont return...


Incentive? I think so, but this probably isnt what you intended by keeping a generator running.

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