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Player home that requires fuel


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So, what about the fuel. A new item? have to make it elswhere from ingredients, like the mole rat machince, pop things in and something else comes out? maybe flamer fuel, alchohol, wonder glue and clean water. Have the machine big and in a remote location so people have something to do?




does it just take a generic item from the game? flamer fuel?

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The way they explain it (in the notes found on the SatCom array computer) there's still power on the electrical grid, probably a few barely functional hydro-electric and/or nuclear power stations, you just have to know where to find it and tap into it. I think a fuelled generator would work for some smaller, or more remote home, like say the converted shell of a bus, or a trailer way out in the wasteland. but something large/functional enough to have all the usual amenities though, I don't see a constantly maintained thing being more than a short term amusement. Eventually you get tired of the maintainence routine and just use one of the other homes.


Now, for your portable generators, it would be relatively simple. I say that, but I couldn't do it myself(yet) You have a(non functional) generator, you add a script for refueling it, which removes X amount of flamer fuel, or whiskey/other alcohol. The generator then enters the "on" state, and enables the lights, disables the static(non-working) other functional items, and enables their working counterparts. That part is the basic light switch setup, single x marker control node, the brokens are "set enable state opposite parent". It also kicks on a timer, for how long to run off the provided fuel.


For a larger/more complex home, use the electrical box, having it start in the blown up state, and requiring repair, before it can start siphoning power off the grid, and into your home. You'll need X number of scrap metal, X number of conductors, sensor modules, etc, and of course a certain amount of science and repair skills. Once you repair it, it enables an electrical switch(same deal, script-wise, the non working gets disabled, and the working enabled in the same location) then it's back to the light switch function and controller node like the other setup.


In both cases you could add a smaller maintainence factor, a random event timer, that the generator/transformer breaks down, and require part x and blah blah skill, to repair. This puts some realism, and upkeep in, without it getting totally monotonous. I can half see all the scripting required for this, in my head, but I know I'd have some epic fail of the syntax variety if I tried to write them myself.


You can even get more fancy with it, and have maybe a molerat spawn that walks over to said object, and is supposed to have inflicted said damage.

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I think haveing to go search for NEW stuff to put into your generator defeats the purpose of getting rid of all that energy weapon ammo and stuff that you pick up but never use...





I do see the problem as haveing way too much stuff, and nothing cool to do with it.... I just got to the Citadel on my current file, and I already have more ammo and money than I could ever possibly need... As well as tons of maxed out power armors, two of which a T-51bs, and tons of maxed out energy weapons... and I never use power armor of energy weapons...


For the town I am building, I am going to put in npcs of different types, that take different overstock off your hands, and use it to upgrade stuff in the town. I have a blacksmith to take ammo, guns, metal armor, and any scrap metal or lawnmower blades and such. I also have a mechanic that takes batteries, energy weapons, energy ammo, and stuff like that. I also have a Tavern that takes all alchohol and stuff, an Bakery that takes your unwanted food, and the General Store will probly take the non metal clothing you want.


I want to have custom items that you can get only by giveing them enough stuff that they have the raw materials to make it. Such as custom outfits for turning in enough clothes or custom guns or something for turning in enough metal and electronics (mabe even custom power armor if I get around to makeing a new armour). But you could also make things that could upgrade the players home or things that upgrade the town. Get enough metal and electronics and you can build a turret or robot to protect the city or whatever.


You can also of course simply just give you good armor and stuff to the town gaurds, since there isn't much sence in melting down a T-51b or Gatling Laser in 100% Condition, I have no use for Power Armor or Gattling Lasers, but I would like to see them go to good use, and who better to give them to but the people protecting my house from raiders when I am gone on missions.


But this is still all theory at the moment, I havn't got far enough on my mod to start pulling off any of these ideas, I have to get the town built first...




But that is just my personal solution

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Tony the Wookie, I do agree, there need to be loads of ideas that use up the clutter and excess we collect out in the wastes, but in as constructive and fun a way as possible. So, yea, do a generator for a remote , 'off grid' home. A perminent 'fix it' quest for a side-quest, maybe to open up something larger.


But yea, generally, we need to all try and use stuff up for practical purposes, like the idea of arming your own protection. Maybe they arnt security at first, just jobless no-hopers at a bar, spending the few caps they make on old whisky. Then you hire then, arm them, equip them!


anyway, thats off subject.

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