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Requesting Team For MASSIVE MOD


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I'm looking to recruit a team to work in compilation to create a massive Fallout 3 mod, rivaling that of bethesda's DLC expansions.


All positions are needed, including programmers, designers, artists and (very importantly) 3D modelers etc...

The latter, simply for the fact that a large amount of the mod will have to be made from scratch in 3DSmax or blender etc...


I would like responses to this post ASAP, as the starting stages of production (the VERY START) has already begun.

Please respond with your name and your allocated skill-type. I need modders with experiance, no noobs.



I need people who are willing to dedicate ALOT of time to this project, if you are uninterested, unavailable or simply lazy, please, DO NOT bother to apply.



PS, please DO NOT respond to this post with questions about the mod, address all specific questions to my personal inbox.



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Just some advice: you may want to give some info one the project, other than that "it will rival Bethesda's DLC". That's rather vague, and not eye catching. What is the theme, setting, plot, etc. of the mod? What are you trying to accomplish? Why is it so large? Why should people help you with this, instead of someone else? Currently, even if I could spare the time, I wouldn't want to help you on this. The PM system is too inefficient to convey large amounts of information and answer questions. :)
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I could tell you about this massive mod that has an army of one working on it, but then I would have to kill you. :ninja:


yeh it mine haha...


anyway itll kick your lil mod's @ss penny :P

Kick away Jack. If you pass my bar you get kudos not kicks.


Despite myself, I find that I am drawn to this thread, but only by the sheer audacity of a rookie poster with absolutely no cred demanding that everyone prove their worthiness in private application to work on his Great Mushroom project. (You know what a mushroom project is don't you? Keep you in the dark and feed you a bunch of s***.)


Normally I only accept this kind of pretense from someone who will pay me for my time, and I know that isn't happening here.


So there is one thing that you should be willing to say on this public thread, Master. And that is what are YOU bringing to the table? It seems that you are asking for volunteers to do every aspect of this Massive Mod.

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Well once upon a time, Jackpack was a rookie poster who showed nothing.

He asked for assistance for his mod. Naturally, a lot got irked.

So he showed us he had done a lot, but kept it secret. And what he showed was promising.

Because of that, I decided to help a bit.


I'd like to give BrokenC the benefit of doubt. Although I am wary of grandiose announcements.

In any case, several larger-scale mods get released without much pomp (Ultimate War and Magnetic War comes into mind).


Although, I do agree with what you're saying about mushroom projects.

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im kinda agreeing with everyone hear.


on one hand i m tempted to post screenies of my mod but on the other i want to bring it out complete & revel in the glory of this never heard of supermod.


but in this case, you could put pics or screenies of what youv done but not give the story away?, or say something like well iv been doing this myself & it has x-amount of factions & a new worldspace or its a mod that adds 1million new wepons ect ect?

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