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Searching for Merchant Mods


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Hi. I am looking for two types of mods. I think both exist (I think I remember seeing them before), but I can't seem to find them. It'd be best if they work with FCOM.


1. A mod to remove the "mercantile" slider. I want to just be able to go in and buy and sell for the best values based on my mercantile skill without having to spend time tweaking the bar. It's just a time-waster, as I always sell for the best value anyway (I start high, and continue to move lower until it sells). I'm almost positive I've seen a mod like this, but I can't remember what it was called.


2. A mod to make buying and selling multiple items easier. It takes to long to sell all my items off after a dungeon run. Some kind of "checkbox" type thing where I choose all of the items I want to sell, then click one button to sell it all is what I'm looking for. I'm not entirely sure this exists, but I think I remember seeing something like it a few years ago.


Even if you just know the names, that's fine. You don't need to actually link me to the mod. I'll look for it on my own. Thank you in advance for any help that anyone provides me.

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This one sounds promising for one of your requests:



The Sell Sack


The Sell Sack is a special Storage Sack designed to let you simply and easily sell your hard-won loot. Simply place items that you wish to sell into the Sell Sack. The value of all of the items in the sack will be tallied, just like the weight is, and you can easily see the value by checking the value of the sack itself in your inventory. Of course, being the way merchants are, you won't get anywhere near that value when you sell it, but it gives you an idea.


When trading with a merchant, the Sell Sack will show up in the list so long as there is anything of value in the sack (that is, the sack's value is more than 0 gold) and the merchant is one who will normally buy misc items from you. In the trading menu you can see how much the merchant is willing to pay for your collection of loot. Once you agree to the sale, the contents of the sack will be transferred to the merchant's inventory, the empty sack will be returned to you, and the barter interface will be closed. This gives the merchant a chance to update his inventory with the new stock. If you trade with him again right away you will see the items you just sold to him (just like always), with the notable exception of items he doesn't normally sell. That is, if you sell a sack full of weapons to a merchant who doesn't usually sell weapons, there will be no way to buy any of them back from him.

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