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A detailed view of my character:


Personal information:


My character's name is Cete, a level 64 Redguard going by the trade as Hammerfell Knight.

I am a master in heavy armor combat with shield and long blades, axes, blunt weapons, short blades and spears. Although I im a master of heavy armor, I am currently using medium armor, to up my medium armor skill.


I am a part of many factions, battle factions, magic factions and stealthy factions.

I am the Grandmaster of the Thieves Guild, the honorable Patriarch of the Temple, the Grandmaster of the Great House Hlaalu, the cunning Grandmaster of Morag Tong, a Hearthfriend amoung the native Ashlanders, an Operative of the secretly Blades, the great Knight of the Imperial Dragon of the Imperial Legion and a somewhat corrupt Factor of the Eastern Empire Company.


Basic Information:




Favourite long blades: Goldbrand, Hopesfire, Trueflame, Daedric Crescent and Chrysamere.

Favourite blunt weapons: Skullcrusher, Sunder and Mace of Molag Bal.

Favourite short blades: Fang of Hyffangetfgff (I can't memorize it's name), Keening, Mehrunes' Razor and Black Hands Dagger.

Favourite spears: Spear of the Hunter and Spear of Bitter Mercy.




Favourite shield: Eleidon's Ward.

Favourite cuircasses: Dragonbone Cuirass, Lord's Mail but nothing beats the Ebony Mail.

Favourite gauntlets: Royal Guard gauntlets and the Fists of Randagulf.

Favourite pauldrons: Royal Guard pauldrons and Daedric pauldrons.

Favourite greaves: Royal Guard greaves and Daedric greaves.

Favourite boots: Boots of the Apostle.

Favourite helms: Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw, Royal Guard helm and Deadric Face of God. (I prefer not wearing helms actually.)




Amulets: Necromancer's Amulet, Amulet of Shadows, Helseth's Collar and Hunter's Amulet of Speed.

Rings: Denstagmer's Ring, Marara's Ring, Royal Signet Ring, Moon-and-Star, Adusamisi's Ring and Barilzar's Mazed Band.

Belts: Belt of the Hortator.


Favourite daedra god's prize:


Azura's Star, because Azura is the most holy and friendly daedra god.

I don't see the star as a soulgem, but as a lucky token and aid.




Strengh: 100

Intelligence: 60

Willpower: 73

Agility: 87

Speed: 100

Endurance: 100

Personality: 65

Luck: 62


Magika bonuses are not included.


Major Skills:


Block: 100

Long blade: 100

Axe: 100

Heavy Armor: 100

Blunt Weapon: 100


Minor Skills:


Armorer: 55

Medium Armor: 83

Shortblade: 100

Athletics: 100

Spear: 100


NOTE: Thanks for reading this, as this took me a hell of a long time!

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:( i'm unfortunately a very bad cheater... there is no hope for me i have a lvl 1 Drajiit Elf: race of super powerful and tall Half darkelf half khajiit from a distant planet.. a race i made. His name is Lokran Dracus. Class:Spectral Hunter ... basic things a assasin would need. he's also Lord Hunter of the Spectral Hunters... guild I made too. 100 to every stat starting, and of course special powers to name a few ... such as Stonemas Curse : paralyze and burden 1000 for 1000 secs lol.Moon Hunter: that summons me all the bound things i can get, too bad i can't wear a full Helmet but i can make a crown thats a full helmet anyways. also fortify's acrobatics to 300 for 1000 secs too.Moon Theif: chameleon 1000% for 1000 secs calm humanoid and creature 1000% for 1000 secs and i'm born under the sign of the hunter:abilities fortify Marksman from 100 to 1000 and Speechcraft to 100. =( yes i know too much cheating but i can't help it, it's my nature.... please take pity upon me... =)
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Bit of a long one this, sorry about that and aplogies in advance for any spooling mistaks...


My Character is Raytheon, level 45 Breton Adventurer.

Birthsign : The Tower


Fave weapon: anything that suits the job at the time but leaning heavily toward using his Magma warhammer, curtosey paticle weapons merchant mod, pricey but good. Spiders kiss arrows come highly recommended too.

Trueflame for when using shield and sword for them more stubborn adversaries.


Armour : Dark Savant armour only, gained through Black Queen Chronicles mod. Looks good and does exactly what it says on the back of the curiass.

He still owes some payback for his ally Jiub being murdered during that and HE WILL COLLECT


Tactics : Dunno if this is the same for all but raising weapon and running full pelt at taget and the belting them a good 'un on arrival seems to flatten a lot of beasties in one, fabricants included. Boots of blinding speed do seem to help with getting right on top of them almost before they have a chance to react.

Never stands still for more than a couple of seconds in a close quarter fight. Hit, move, hit, move and so on.


Also a firm beliver that if 'in thier face' ain't gonna work then pelting the buggers from a distance is fine, when you know the target is hostile for certain....but then again they usually are after getting an arrow parked in the back of thier skull but then who wouldn't be a bit put out by that ?


Magical items : Emplyoed for the task at hand only, most used is Azuras Star ring coz it saves on carrying torches into the deep dark holes. Boots of blinding speed for them long cross country tabs. Travel stained pants save a packet on levitation potions/spells.


Money :practically broke, used it all for trainning and equipment (Let's hear it for Balmora University !!!, great mod and those robes go so well with the armour)


Personality : Just a straightforward fellow making his way in the world.

Strongly dislikes injustice and if he can do anything about it, it WILL be done. Sees most dungeon looting and lifting sellable or useful gear off enemies as perks of the job, easy going in general, takes care of what he considers the important stuff first before spending an evening at the local booze barn and some pleasant female company.


He will not kill anyone or anything unless left with no option or is absolutely neccesary to get the job done regardless of what or who so he ain't no temple choir boy and would never profees to be one, he can't sing anyway.


Much preferes going it alone job wise because he has no wish to see partners getting wasted by going in when they don't need to or getting in the way. Almost lost one once that way and vowed never to let it happen again if it could be prevented. Not a matter of gallantry or such like, he does have those values to a degree but it comes down to sheer practicallity from his point of view when the fighting starts.


Spent most of the first year on dungeon crawls and looting ruins to get funds for trainning, trainning, trainning. Which he's a big beliver in and boy, did that first lot of Dark Brotherhood armour help keep him alive, the rest really came in handy as cash turnaround..

Well after a bit of repair and a wash to get the best price available.

Abandoned flat mod helped a great deal when trainning too.


Banking mod helped a bit too with a decent loan.


Delt with Dagoth Ur, pretty much the first thing on the agenda he reckoned so done and dusted there, going through the rest as the mood takes him.

Dark Brotherhood are also history at this point, that was fun.

Main stuff in Mournhold done, King Helseth and Queen Mother (bless 'er cotton socks though her son could use a good talking too) both alive and sorted.


Almalexia (silly cow) has had her ticket firmly punched, along with the rest of her.


Low to high 90's in all stats, trained to 60 or 70 plus in most skills so can competently use almost all weapons and spells. I prefer it that way so no specialisation, therefore can use whatever works best to resolve most combat situations and so far have come out on top, so far that is....


Not had to pay anything for travel since getting the Boots of blinding speed and Travel Stained Pants. Thanks to the Realtime Mod, he can actually get to places faster by running and or levitating rather than silt strider or ship. Travel to Mournhold ditto since the Tribunal teleport mod.


That's about it from my lad Raytheons stand point, more than enough waffle for now i think.




"Falgon of ale and a packet of salt and vinegar crisips please"

"Sorry we've only got Cheese and onion"

"WHAT !?! by the sacred jockstrap of Robert E. Howard you'll pay for that hellspawn!!"


Thrud The Barbarian

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level 50 khajiit

strength 120

intelligence 100

willpower 45

agility 120

speed 100

endurance 96

personality 105

luck 40



dragonbone cuirass

fists of randagulf

and the rest is glass

hoptoad ring(cause jumping high is fun)

ebony shortsword(haven't gotten around to enchanting it yet)

867,773 gold

all the propylon indexs

hundreds of misc. keys(never know when you'll find the lock for 'em)

masters picks and probes


grandmaster of great house hlaalu

reputation 20

sign the lady


and i have collected all of the famed artifacts of tamriel. plus other ones that i find to be worth while to hang on to.

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im a dunmer custom battle mage

My guys name is Photanekon(foe-tan-neck-in most pppl have a hard tiume pronounceing it)

majors:long blade, conjuration,enchant,destruction,restoration

minors:mysticism,security,light armor,armorer,mercintile

fav atributtes:strength and intelligence

sign:what ever one gives 1.5 majicka increase and weakness to majicka 50%

this guy is awesome.

right now he is level 20

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Ragnarok. Why do you always have to chime in telling people about how uber powerful your think your character is? Your penis size has no correlation with how good your character is. You are full of yourself.



(mods: I apologize for flaming. I was tired of keeping it bottled up.)

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