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Would Like Help with this


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but this will be a big Mod for the game and im sure yee will love it, if i can make it go *laughs*

Its like the 2 week after Expansion for FO3, but going to be like maybe 2-3 months after the main quest ends, or there abouts.....




Anywho, generally


i want to make 2 factions


2 towns, Somewhat good distance from eachother in the grid, say one Northmost and the other South Most


say around 8 unique characters for each of the factions that im making


Dialog thats English from England Accent, this is a must because its one of the factions, keeping the other faction a secret for now (Teaser) but one of the voices for the dialog will be mine, Since one of the characters will be me.


there are going to be simular quests for each faction, around 7, the last quest being, a massive battle involving alot of melee, im hoping to have a 50 vs 50 battle, but i think no machine would run that *laughs, but it be cool to have like 15 vs 15 if thats the max. But what size battle would think be able to run, seeing that the Slave vs Slaver for the lincons memorial is around 5-8 vs 7, depending on who the player sided.


Cinematic to happen when you meet the faction depending on who you met, Either myself in the game, or the other side, which is gonna be the english.


a few good weapons that are like 1700 - 1940 weapons that are melee, some will be pikes and such, will let you know who ever wants to help there...


I have the entire storie in my head and looks great in my head, and very hard to get it to pen, cause im not really that book smart, thats why i need help, very hard for me to pen stuff, but i can talk on voice and tell you whats it about generally, cause when i pen it, it looks.... lets say odd and im leaving stuff out the whole time and youll be missing info.


When people want to help me from what i said there, i hope thats enough info to wet appetites, ill be giving my Skype name to them and we can talk on voice or they can listen and type, cause i know most dont have mic's, but at least you can hear me talk and listen to what i have to say, but only those who want to help out, can paste to this topic, please no questions about my mod, unless your going to help seriously, i dont have a definate date release either cause ive only a basic-advanced storie in my head.




Needed are the following



Model Makers

Weapon Makers - Melee

Armor for protection from Melee {Remember since the battle is melee, guns are bad, cause you might shoot your friends}

Merchant Makers

Cinematic Expert or Beginner {as long as it looks good, need a begining and a end, basically a Bink Video, Program is free and I can give you the Program via Skype}

Anyone who is good at making moderate to large scale town {Hoping to have both towns as big if not bigger than rivet city, layouts in my head again, will pen it later as a ruff copy}

Random NPC Makers, like the ones form megaton and stuff [settlers, Garuds and Armie]



Lets say i need a whole lot, cause this is really going to be a Team Effort and anyone who does help out will be noted / Credited in the Credits for the Expansion Im Making, its a large undertaking im doing for a New FO3 player of this year only, but ive GM'd a load of games for D&D and Exalted, so i have made Epic Games before for my players, So the Ideas are constantly going and i know how to get a player / group of players intrigued in just a Prelude



Yours Sinceerily in this Posting

Gabriel Death

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That is not nearly enough info to go off of, if you seriously expect to put a team together. (keeping stuff secret is a bad idea when looknig for help)


And realy, you should bring more to the table than, "I have a good idea, people should make it for me...". It isn't that hard to learn how to put stuff together in the GECK, and then you could at least have something to show when people look at your request for help.


From what it looks like, all you have to offer is a story, but a story that you have to have someone else wright for you because it doesn't make sence when you wright it...


Doesn't sound too promising too me...



But anyways, hope you take my advice, but good luck eather way :)

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ll i sound simular becuase there is another guy who asked for help too but he didnt give as much info as i did, anyway for the the first guy who said i didnt give enough info, i am wanting a Irish vs English brawl, since the world did go like ape-**** and there is still war regardless and since it is an alternate timeline, im wanting the irish-english fight to continue on, the american vs china war, was proberly not the only fight that was happening, maybe there were other factions fighting eachother as well during that too, perhaps the french were involved as well, helping the irish against the english and maybe even the scotish....


and for your information, im making 2 characters that are gonna be standing out for the Irish side, Myself as the Leader of the Armed Forces called the Republican Brotherhood, which was one of the ancient names for the Irish Army, because the leaders of the revelution in Ireland, was called a Brotherhood and wanted a United Ireland, A Republic of Ireland that is, the other character, im basing off one of my best friends in the world, a girl named Faye Fang, who is basically going to be the Mayor in charge of the Irish Town thats gonna be made, ill proplly gonna be making the Irish Characters myself, since i know what a True Irish Person was, since i am Irish myself.....


This is not a Hate Thing, its just a What IF Scenario, something for the PLayer to Experiance, Who knows, there might be other Factions involved besides form the English adn Irish. If other People want to do other Factions thats Fair enough, And the only person that can really make the Faction to true to its standerds back then, is the one that lived there or was brought up there, like me in Ireland.


And i am giving way too much info as it is already, I dont want anyone else making a simular thing and going it was his/her idea, and i gave so much more info thatn the other guy that Jack here was posting into his topic about and i am replying to your posts, but i can give more info if you like, But i can only do the Irish Side, i cant Do the Other Factions because, It might be Unfair for me to make the English and i get it totaly wrong and make them weak apes, no offence there, but it is true, it be like cheating for one side, but if i got help doing it, it woul,d mean that there was no cheating involved and the Expansion was done out fairly as possible, im actually Sketching the Floor plans for the houses and the Irish town by hand and then im going to be taking photo graphs of them with my web cam and then post them up, if youd like to take a look.....


And i will admit, im a dum-ape when it does come to Geck, I cant even follow the tutorial for it, without getting it wrong, So its taking all my energy just to make 2 characters as it is, and if i was to make it on my own, i mean 2 factions worth, it wouldnt be uploaded until maybe 10 years time, and even at that, there might be problems with it, but sure, ill post up more info for it, if yee want, but it is a dream of mine to make a good Expansion for a Game and I love Fallout 3 as it is, but i would like to add to it, to make it colorful for people to enjoy more like all the mods that yee have up here already......


yours sinceerily

Gabriel Death



PS jackpack, you might eb referrin to this post where you posted to, that reminds you, but i am not this person here, he gave way tooo little info than i did....... The Botched Request and Callighan, id love to have a voice actor, mind if we talked on skype so i can hear your accent??? Heres my skype name, just when your making a friends request, just say its got to do with Fallout 3 and my expansion *smiles*..... Skype Name = Tehaftalife, RL Name = Gabe, Place = Ireland

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I think it'll be really grand if you can get English modders on board. They might be able to give off a more accurate impression of the English faction.


I've talked to Gabe on Skype and he's knows what kind of work awaits. Turns out he did a ton of stuff on Second Life. This guy can script.

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Thank you cal, thank you very much for that word there and yes i have done alot of scripting in Second Life last year, granted im not that well known, because the market is well saturated with scripts and buildings and the market is full with them.....


I have made Rader Huds/UI

I have made a Hud/UI for a Roleplaying Game

I have made Some scripts for Poseballs and Such


My building is the only one i did was Midway, but it was going to be based about 10 years after the Midway explosion in SG Atlantis, I made it 60M wide x 80M Long and 40M High with aload of Acomidation for civilians, soldiers and what not, I told Cal here on what i done and he was flabergasted on what i was saying to him and at one stage he did say to me slow down and tell him again on what i done here or there, because i was giving him a good lot of information talking.......


Here is a Script for a Simple Poseball Just to sit down ok, its Open-Source, so anyone can use it form me ok *smiles*


vector ROTATION = <0,0,0>; //Euler in degrees (like the edit box)


string TITLE="Sit here"; //This text will appear in the floating title above the ball

string ANIMATION=""; //Put the name of the pose/animation here!

vector offset=<0,0,0.5>; //You can play with these numbers to adjust how far the person sits from the ball. ( <X,Y,Z> )

integer use_voice = FALSE;


string gNotecard = "Pose ball - CONFIGURATION";

integer gLine = 0;


integer listenHandle = 9;

integer masterswitch = TRUE;

integer visible = TRUE;

float base_alpha = 1.0;

key avatar;

key trigger;


key dataserver_key = NULL_KEY;




visible = TRUE;

llSetText(TITLE, <1,1,1>,1);

llSetAlpha(base_alpha, ALL_SIDES);





visible = FALSE;

llSetText("", <1,1,1>,1);

llSetAlpha(0, ALL_SIDES);






dataserver_key = llGetNotecardLine(gNotecard,gLine);





llSetSitText("Sit Here");

if(visible == FALSE)









if(llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ANIMATION) == 0) //Make sure we actually got something to pose with.


llWhisper(0,"Error: No animation found. Cannot pose.");

ANIMATION = "sit";





integer i;


if(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD,i) == gNotecard)


gLine = 0;

dataserver_key = llGetNotecardLine(gNotecard, 0);



//If we are here no configuration notecard was found... lets use the defaults.








llSetText("Starting up", <1,1,1>,1);

llSitTarget(offset, llEuler2Rot(ROTATION * DEG_TO_RAD));




link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)


if(num == 99)


if(str == "show")


masterswitch = FALSE;





if(str == "hide");


masterswitch = TRUE;






touch_start(integer detected)


if(use_voice == FALSE)


if(visible == TRUE)






llSay(0,llDetectedName(0)+", say '/1 Hide' to hide me, or '/1 Show' to make me show. Or just right-click and sit on me to use me.");



changed(integer change)


if(change & CHANGED_LINK)


avatar = llAvatarOnSitTarget();

if(llKey2Name(avatar) != "")



llRequestPermissions(avatar, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);




if (llKey2Name(llGetPermissionsKey()) != "" && trigger == llGetPermissionsKey())



trigger = NULL_KEY;


if(masterswitch == TRUE)









llSetText("Reloading configuration...",<1,1,1>,1);





run_time_permissions(integer perm)


avatar = llAvatarOnSitTarget();

if(perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION && llKey2Name(avatar) != "" && avatar == llGetPermissionsKey())


trigger = avatar;



if(visible == TRUE)

base_alpha = llGetAlpha(ALL_SIDES);


base_alpha = 1.0;







listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)





message = llToLower(message);


if(message == "show")





if(message == "hide")




dataserver(key queryid, string data)


if(queryid != dataserver_key)



if(data != EOF)


if(llGetSubString(data,0,0) != ";")


if(llGetSubString(data,0,5) == "title:")


TITLE = llGetSubString(data,7,-1);




if(llGetSubString(data,0,6) == "offset:")


integer length = llStringLength(data);

if(llGetSubString(data,8,8) != "<" || llGetSubString(data,length - 1,length) != ">")


llSay(0,"Error: The numbers in the offset value lack the '<' and '>' signs. (Should be something like <3,1,6> )");

offset = <0,0,0.5>;



offset = (vector)llGetSubString(data,8,-1);


if(offset == <0,0,0>)

offset = <0,0,0.01>;





if(llGetSubString(data,0,5) == "voice:")


string value = llGetSubString(data,7,-1);

value = llToLower(value);


if(listenHandle != -1)



listenHandle = -1;



if(value !="no" && value != "yes" && value != "true" && value != "false")

use_voice = FALSE;


if(value == "no" || value == "false")

use_voice = FALSE;



use_voice = TRUE;

listenHandle = llListen(1,"","","");





if(llGetSubString(data,0,10) == "sit_button:")











if(visible == FALSE)










if(llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ANIMATION) == 0) //Make sure we actually got something to pose with.


llWhisper(0,"Error: No animation found. Cannot pose.");

ANIMATION = "sit";





Right Do you see this, this is the one part that you do wish to mod, if you want to copy, ok


See ** ANIMATION = "sit" **


replace sit, with any animation that you know the name for, will change what the script does for you

so if you put lay there, then your toon/character, will lay then if you saved your script in your prim.....


Let you figure out what a prim is, but anyone who actually knows scriptign and prims in SL, will know what im saying here....


Hope this is the info you are looking for in........ "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR GETTING INTO?" Question


But SL Scripting is all that i know, ok, so this is why i need help, because its the only programming language that i really do know and its very hard to make my knoledge into any other game because SL scripting is useless outside of SL Game

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