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1st person mod off centered


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Hello all... i recently applied the 1st person view mod that applies the 3rd person scripting so that the weapons move like im actually running and all that... im sure most of you know which one im referring to. if not ill provide more detail.


well it worked for a short time and then the whole camera moved off center to the left. im not sure if another mod may have done this or not. i was playing around with my deadly reflex mod to see how it would work with it and afterward it shifted... so does anyone know any fixes to the issue? i didnt create backup files of my original meshes... :verymad: i know thats a big no no... so im hoping if no one can help me re center it then someone can direct me to a place to retrieve the original files.


thanks to any help in advance

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  • 1 year later...

I'm having the same problem D:

whenever I'm in 3rd person (the mod is designed for 3rd only) the camera is slightly lower than it should be, but thats no problem. BUT when I look at someone, they're not highlighted so you can speak to them unless you step to the right a bit, and when I switch to 1st, the camera switches to the point where it highlights objects.

It was fine at first, works like normal, but when I swing with my sword, then it moves of center, but when I restart oblivion, its re centered.


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