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2nd Weapon addons


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Right, can we make a new weapon, mybe something totally custon, but thinking along the lines of an m16 with grenade launcher or shotgun attachment.


My thoughts (but need to know if its possible from you lot) is when you fire normally, you fire the shotgun, when you go into iron sights, you fire the semi auto rifle, possibly silenced. A perfect allround assault weapon.


Im dubious if iron sight mode can be scripted to use a different weapon, with different projectile and different stats, but this would be an amazing addition.


If its possible, I see a possible problem with VATS, that too, like the iron sight mode, would have to use the alternate weapon.


Efectively, this would be two differently stat'ted weapons, but using the same model (possibly tweaked versions of eachother to account for the progectiles coming from either barrel.



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