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Armiena doesn't even look up. She again peers into her mortar and pestle, and apparently satisfied, pours it into a flask. She adds some more water into her flask, puts a glass cork in it, and walks toward the fire.

She grabs a set of tongs from her pack, and heats the mixture on the fire. She waits a moment, then takes it out, watching it simmer for a moment. She pours it into another flask.


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An argonian wearing a dark robe entered the tavern. His large feet moved quickly across the floor, as he made his way to the bar. He spoke with the bartender.

"Hello I would like 1 pint of greif." said the argonian. The bartender nodded as the argonian payed, then handed the lizard his drink. The argonian looked around the tavern for a place to sit, or someone to sit with.

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HeLLL walks into the bar after a very long absense. The Altmer looks fatigued and is sporting a couple of gashes on his back. He shuffles towards the argonian and taps him on the shoulder "May I sit with you?" He retreats his arm from the shoulder of the Argonian and waits for a reply.
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My name is Helllight. I am from a line of noble mages on Summerset. I am trying to adapt to the harsness of these lands but there are more beasts than I first imagined. Luckly I studied hard in my youth. Destruction and Restoration. The power to take life and give life. What about yourself?


/HeLLL sits down at the table with toxin and signals to the barman for a drink of Flin.

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"Right... I can tell I've mixed this properly" Armiena smiles at Naull. "It's good for quite a while, more than a few weeks I think. If no one has any suggestions, I am going to bed." She gives the bartender a few coins in return for a room key, then walks upstairs.


Titanius walks to the bar. "I REALLY need a stiff drink." The bartender presents him with a mug of foaming sujamma a second later. "What is she?"

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Name - Faust

Sex - Male

Race - Dark Elf

Class - Thief




A tall and skinny Dark Elf enters the tavern, he has one earing in the top part of his left ear. He has long mid-night black hair. He is wearing a dark pair of pants, and a gray shirt which has a large slash from his left shoulder, to his mid stomach. He walks over to the bar, near HeLLL... "Hello, im Faust, would you care if i sat with you?, im new around here, and i think i should get to know some people"

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