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Melekar's tune slows to a halt at the sight of this strange man reciteing such a bizare dream, he stares for a moment, then turns back to his lute, quickly checks the tuning and mutters, "bloody lunatic", and returns to playing his sorowful backround music.
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Melekar's tune slows to a halt at the sight of this strange man reciteing such a bizare dream, he stares for a moment, then turns back to his lute, quickly checks the tuning and mutters, "bloody lunatic", and returns to playing his sorowful backround music.

*tosses a copper into your fresh ale*


I be Vendalo Kijautal. My customers call me Vendalo, friends call me Kahenraz. But my prey have a call of their own.


A pint for my friend Melekar and the Breton Thief Oriana! I hope to wear this seat to the shape of my own.


*gives a cold stare to the shrew occupying the other side of the table*


Hail and well met. :)

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Melekar stares at Kahenraz out of the corner of his eye in a suspicious maner, "So, Kahenraz, where dose one aquire such a name? it sounds almost Dwemer, ah never mind that, so what brings you to the barfly?", Melekar then turns to his ale and peers at the copper peice in his ale, hesitant to drink.
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For shame! That copper touched the tentacle of a monstrous sea serpant I caught trying to pick my pocket admidst a dreary fog! If the slime covering it dosn't get you, the fact that it'll give you the biggest hang-over this side of the tempral plane will.


Why, I caught that sea serpant red handed! --Tentacled even! It was a skilled pick-pocketing menace if I ever did see one. Now that I think about it I'm not quite sure it was trying to stea.. no! It was thinking only of my gold! Either that or an attempt on my life so that it could kill me and take my gold! Eyeing the devil twisting its tentacle around my gold pouch, I deftly reached for my dagger and gave 'im a good slash!


In a shock it released my gold pouch, of course, but my slice had knicked a small hole in my pouch, releasing a lone copper onto the sticky tentacle of my menacing foe.


It reeled in pain and in a fury sent an enormous wave crashing towards my tiny ship with one swipe of his his tentacles accross the ocean's surface.


"Hardly worth my time killing a worthless thief" I thought to myself. Diving into the water headfirst, braving the churning currents and undertows, I cast "underwater breathing" on myself, along with my usual chain of defensive spells.


Completing the casting of my minor anti-magic sphere, I lowered a rod of lightning through the thin layer of swirling energy. "[edited out for safety reasons]" I chanted, releasing a massive blast that killed most of the marine life in the nearby area. And I do mean most, as in not all.


To put it simply, I hastily cast improved invisibilty on myself and swam for the nearest shadow as fast as my legs could take me and.. hid there for a while. Heh.


After the looming shadow covering the area had given up its search for the origin of the anoying sting that had awoken it from its deep sleep and swam away, I emerged from my hiding place and made haste to retrieve my precious copper.. my.. precious.. copper.


NO ONE STEALS FROM ME! Not even the Lich King himself!! Ha! If ever THAT happend I would tell him to consider it a gift, pay my not-so-humble-even-though-it-looked-humble respects and leave without further question. But I would never allow him to STEAL from me. Pfftt.


*gulps down some ale*


I couldn't seem to get the disgusting slime off of it so I decided to break even by stealing a rich noble's purse, which I did of course upon my arrival at the nearest port, and toss the bothersom copper.. erm.. what I meant to say was that I would honor one lucky fellow with the prize and the tale of my incredible adventure.


Why, you should feel honored! I've heard that tentacle ooze is a strength enhancer of sorts and very beneficial to the health. If it dosn't kill you that is.


*raises an eyebrow, turns and pokes the shoulder of a nearby patron*


"Don't you owe me money?"

Edited by Kahenraz
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I gained the name Kahenraz during my apprenticeship with the arch-mage Khadgar. I've had it for.. wow..


*counts on fingers*


8-9 years now. Vendalo is my typical roll playing name, but Kahenraz seems to be a nickname that sticks. It's the name I tell most people who I may have ill-favor with and want to spread my menacing reputation around. Under that alias, of course. There are certain things that even Vendalo won't do. If you understand what I mean.


*flashes his dagger*


Vendalo for good days. Kahenraz for my chaotic days. :shifty:


If pays being faerie. Kahenraz, the "grim ranger" is the form I usually take in the darkest of nights. Vendalo, the slick, jack-of-all-trades merchant and bard is how I am known during the hours of light. A simple disguise that fools my enemies in broad daylight.


But my true class is a fighter/[wild] mage/thief. Again, a jack-of-all-trades. One who can hold his own and can pack a complexity punches. Chaotic Neutral. Mistakenly took for Chaotic Evil. I'm not evil. Just misunderstood, misinterpreted, and taken far too lightly.




*phases out of role-playing mode for an instant*


Punch "Kahenraz" into Google and you'll learn a bit more about me. I'm quite original so there shouldn't be any mistake with the name . :lol:

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Shadzon half dozed at the tale of the stranger, Kahenraz. He had no interest of such tales of a wandering Oppertunist. For Shadzon, there was only one thing in the world that was of any console--The dead. Of course, not everyone knew that about him. They allways thought that he was a man who takes only what he saw.


Shadzon had seen alot in his life, so this was probably true.


" Missunderstood? From my experiance, our friends are a better judge of ourselves than we are. Of course, with all that you have to go and do, destroying serpents and whatnot, perhaps I can offer you a one of a kind ring? It was given to me by a spirit I had bound to the mortal plane. He told me that if I used it wonderous things would happen--and maybe terrible ones for others. For an adventurer such as your self, perhaps it will suit you better? I am sure that it will do ME no such bennifit. The ring is called 'Makkura'. When I heard this, I thought : Why would a ring be named Pitch Dark? I didn't know, but it dawned on me when I used it--this ring has the abbility to let you see the imps durring a new moon. Some will merely try to kill you. The others might give you information. Regardless, it doesn't matter. They can all be sent back to hell through death. And some even have tressures of the sea of fire. For a paltry donnation, it can by yours my friend."


Shadzon awaited his response, but while he did, said, "Of course, I also have the two enchanter's threads and the binding potion, but those are not worth the same as this wonderous ring. Perhaps make me an offer? I never thought anyone would need it as they are not as travelled as you."

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To a degree of course, a very high degree at that, I live my life according to the roll of the dice.


*blinks in surprise*


I am sorry but I must take my leave of you for a short time. I am being summoned by a higher presence that I should not wish to upset.


Kahenraz seems to fade away out of existance as he makes a sudden planar shift.

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A few hours pass and you being to wonder if that mysterious Kahuvendal-whatshisface decided to take his leasure elsewhere.


Feeling a sense of comfort in the thought, you signal the bartender for another drink and reach down for your gold pouch to pay up your tab.

"How strange." You think, contemplating the possibility of having mistakenly tied your pouch to the other side of your belt.


As you cross your arm over your abdomen and begin patting the area around your hip, your eyes become fixated on the seat Kahenraz has formerly occupied. A light haze of turqoise and dark green mixed with the occassional slight yellowish spark had begun to shift in that area at random. In a matter of seconds, the thin, sparse haze thinkened and formed the familiar shape of Kah--. You scratch your head and leave it at that.


The haze subsides and the sparks disperse to reveal that he had indeed returned.




What good fortune! What luck! It seems that I have been granted by my lord some much needed time in this mortal plane.


Glancing around at more than a few confused faces Kahenraz attempts to convey a much simpler approach.


There are some in my realm of the faerie plane that my lord would much rather see roaming where they will be the problem of some other gods. You see, those of the ethereal cannot be killed by any means in what would be deemed conventional. Being the *scoff* loyal servant that I am to my lord, he is responsible for me. Lets just say that I keep hubris from spreading amongsth those with high political power and make sure that my.. "position" stays relatively secure.

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