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Gelderon, suprized at this news of vampires begins to act more seriously. His eyes shift to the left and right, watching to see if anyone is spying. Confident they are not being watched, he faces his new friend.


"Vampires.... Really? Hmf... I dont think I've seen any, of course I usually stay indoors at night. Well, I dont think the undead will try much tonight with that bow at your side. It would frighten the dremora lords to see to see you draw that bow tonight! Well, the drinks are on me! What bring you to these parts? Are you a vampire hunter?"

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The Darhjiin finally lowers his cloak and reveals the rest of his face.


"Vampires...undead? Interresting, I heard some of the travelling merchands talk about that. I haven't seen any vampires yet. But I heared their stories and I'm not planning to meet one that's for sure. Mostly I can find a safe and cheap place to sleep at night so that's why I haven't seen any. So where do you both come from?"

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Gelderon is confused when he sees' the man's face. Though he tries to hide his reaction, he knows the man has noticed. He speaks quickly as so not to offend him.


"I come from the small town of Seyda Neen, thats half the reason I am not astonished when I see new faces. I've seen soo many races, its hard to be amazed when you've seen them all! Except you; you seem to be different from all the others. Not a dark elf, though you have the dark skin. You say you are a Darhjiin? If I may be so direct as to ask, where are you from?"

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Rio'th noticed his reaction but doesn't react.


"Darhjiins are not often seen here in Morrowind, I come from Searamun. It's an island far away on the west side Morrowind. It been swollowed by the sea, so some parts are under water. So that's where I come from.

Most people think I'm some kind of evil beiing or that we are relative to Dremora but that's just an made up story"

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Gelderon lays back in his chair, he feels he is safe enough with this Darhjiin. He notices everone is stareing at his friend. He faces a large group of these people and says, "You best be keeping your eyes to your drinks, else you might loose them!" At this everyone turns back to their drinks.


"Aye, you seem like no demon to me, just a troubled traveler. Well, if you need any healing, you have a loyal healer here. And shame on the people that call you a demon, they just dont understand, and dont care to either. So, I know where your from, now what are you doing here; in the mainland of morrowind?"

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The dark ranger turns to look at Drizzit checking her out to see if she is a vampire.

and turns to look at Geledron.


"Gelderon do you know her??"


Turns to the Darhjiin and says "No harm will come to you as long as i am with you so stay close I do not trust this one"


After saying that he continues to look at Drizzit

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Rio'th laughs a bit about the people who are now trying to avoid looking at him.


"well sometimes I get irritated when people stare at me, but I'm getting used to it...so I try not to bother. But most of the time I hate it when all the sudden everyones looking at you and start to talk about your apearence.

But I'm just an traveller, an adventurer, I've always liked to travel arround. Exploring new lands and such, and I ended up here in Morrowind......So what*"


-Rio'th stops speaking when another guy enters the tavern and starts to speak to Gelderon.


Rio'th turns to the dark ranger:"don't worry I've got my own protection..."


He slightly opens his coat and reveals two Shii'n disks...Rio'th thinks that they probably won't reconize these strange weapons.


"but help is always welcome"


Rio'th smiles. And looks at the strange new guy...


"I realy don't know who he is, but I think Gelderon knows him"

Edited by Geonox
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Gelderon nods to his friend Drizzt and joins Rio'th in chuckling at the frightened people. Contented with his work he turns to Rio'th.


"Yes, I met Drizzt in the bar once, he seemed trustworthy enough, though we never really got to know each other. I dont think we will have any trouble from him. Please, take a seat Drizzt." At this Gelderon turns to the dark ranger, "So, Rio'th and I have been aquainted, and we know your profession, but WHO exacly are you? And from where do you hail?" Gelderon takes his hands out of his sleves to reveal a strange glowing ring with engravements on it, after which he quickly covers it again.

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