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Erunánion looks obie over suspisiously. "Noo", he said slowly, "but there are many people who dislike breachers of the peace." He dropped his hand lightly onto the hilt of his sword. "But i'm sure that the level of security here does not interest you. If you are a traveller, then where have you travelled?"
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Naull walks to the assasin and kicks him across the face.


"Sorry... It's just I've been here longer than the rest of you and I saw everyone he killed die..." He mutters his explanation. He pays for yet another bottle of flin and walks to the newcomer.



"Hello there madam. I am Naull, and a bit drunk, so don't take anything I say to seriously. Want a drink?"

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"no sir i do not wish to disturb the peace i just wish to show u a unique item I have found along my journys"


obie reachs in his robe and pulls out a small pipe


" this is an ancient dwemer skooma pipe, is it not amazing that even in ancient times they had the same problems we do?"

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Aeden looks over to Naull and then down at the unconscious assassin.


"This... thing... a killer? He doesn't look like much. At least, not now. You folks have done a fine job of "rehabilitating" him. Why don't we throw him out into the street and let the local constabulary deal with him, hmm? They are good at picking up garbage....."


"And this is a bar, correct? A place to drink, socialize and relax?" Looking around at the dishevelled and motley crew around her, she says in a louder voice, "SINCE YOU FOLKS HAVE DEALT WITH THIS ASSASSIN IN SUCH A FINE MANNER, THEN THIS IS A CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION! EVERYONE, THE FIRST ROUND IS ON ME!"

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"You offerd me a drink, then said round for everyone. So that means two for me on you right? Bartender, give me two of the usual." Ry grabs the two drinks and downs them. Ry tells Aedan"I'm not sure what happend here but Naull seems to know." Ry looks at Naull "What's this all about?"
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Naull looks over at Ry, and starts explaining.


"It's quite simple actually. We were all here, having quite a good time, when someone found a dead guy in the restroom. soon, lights went on and off, and people were laying around dead. someone created a truth potion, but he seemed to have dissapeared. More people died, humdeedum, and then we caught him. Thats about it I think." Naull says in a casual manner. He turns to the bartender.


"Another flin please." He throws 20 gold at the barkeep, grabs his flin, and starts drinking it.

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"An impressive story to be sure, and one that will grow with the telling." Aeden chuckles.

"Barkeep, make sure these worthies have enough to drink (passing over a large handful of gold)and I'll need a room for the night. Pointing to Ry "And as promised, he can have two. I don't renege on a promise.... As for me, I'm to bed. It's been a long day. Good Night."


With that she climbs the stairs, goes to her room, locks the door and falls asleep.

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Armiena joins in the mob swarming the bar, and asks for a new glass of wine. "Ah... nothing like a free round.. so much more satisfying.." She goes up to her room, and retrieves her set of the Mixed Unit Tactics series. She thumbs through the pages, hoping to find anything on interrogation.

"Here we go..." She begins reading.

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Wondering about his companion's silence, he watches Aeden walk up the stairs, wondering why she seems so familiar. Shrugging slightly, he swallows his drink in a long draught, wipes the excess from around his lips, and walks towards a table. He sits down, and looks around. He looks at obie, wondering if he will join him. If not, he looks around to see if anyone new has entered the tavern.
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